18 AUGUST 1832, Page 11


Colonel Fox has been appointed Surveyor-General of the Ordnance. During the past year, twenty new churches and chapels, with accom- modation for 26,361 persons, including 14,039 free seats, have been erected. There are nineteen churches and chapels in progress, and plans for eight others have been approved of. The Parliamentary Commissioners have proposed grants in aid of eleven new churches and chapels. The Exchequer Bills issued up to this day amount to 1,440,000/.

The English squadron new off Lisbon is composed of the Asia, Britannia, Caledonia, Revenge, Briton, Viper schooner, Royalist and Leveret tenders. At Oporto, the Stag, Childers, Nautilus, and about ,eleven sail of transports, were lying.

The Olivera the First, from Cardiff to Portugal, which was cap- tured by the Madeira, has been given up by the orders of Don Pedro, without any expense whatever ; and it is supposed that the others will be given up in the same manner. The iron steam vessel launched a short time since is still moored to the east of Westminster Bridge, and workmen are busily employed in fitting her up, preparatory to her passage for the Ganges. The son of Mr. Buchanan, master of the Infant School in Vincent Square, Westminster, is gone out to Africa for the purpose of establish- ing infitnt schools amongst the natives.

About a month since, a Napier printing-machine, of the value of 1,000 guineas, left the manufactory of Mr. Napier for Constantinople. It was purchased for the Sublime Porte.

Joseph Bonaparte and his suite arrived at Liverpool, from New York, on Thursday.

Mr. Monck Mason's application to the Lord Chamberlain for per- mission to open the King's Theatre late in the autumn has been refused. —Globe.

The fishermen of the salmon fishery near the mouth of the Tyne . pulled out, at one draught, on Monday evening last, no less than one hundred and forty of those fish.—Durkam Advertiser.

John Williams, of Waterloo Bridge Stairs' rowed the other day from London to Gravesend, from Gravesend back to London, and thence to Richmond and back again, in 111 hours. The distance is 96 miles. There was a bet of 500 guineas on the performance.

A Maidstone paper recommends an infusion of the dried roots of the wild carrot, or Dorcas as he calls it, for gravel. The plant is a dangerous one, and ought on no account to be used either for gravel or any thing else, unless under medical advice.

Two men were found guilty at Birmingham this week of forging Dutch 10 guilder pieces. They were sentenced to transportation for life.

A domestic recently on the establishment of the Earl of Chesterfield, cut his throat on Friday night, at his lodgings, No. 6, Mount Row.