18 AUGUST 1838, Page 10

The following correspondence has appeared in the papers this week.


23, Portland Place. 9th August.

Sin—My attention has been called to the publication in the last Spectator of a speech which purports to have been delivered by you at a public meeting in Birmingham, in which coo are reported to have used the following language in relation to myself-

" I believe their very Ambassador here is a slave.breeder, one of those beings who rear up slaves for the purpose of traffic. Is it possible that America would send here a man it bo traffics in blood, and who Is a disgrace to human nature? "

I desire to know from you whether this is a correct report of what you said on that Occasion, and with that view address to you this communication. I am, Sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. SisvErmoN. To Daniel O'Connell, Esq., &c.