18 AUGUST 1849, Page 1

The old influence which France has been instrumental in re-

storing at Rome proves too stupidly bigoted to fall in with the counsels of its patron. While the Pope remains in abeyance at Gaeta, the three Commissioners whom he has appointed to govern Rome have been doing their best to prevent the restoration from being a final settlement. They have swept away all real im- provements effected by the Provisional Government, and even some by the Pope; have restored the old courts Of injustice, and abolished the municipal authorities ; and under the name of a discount on canine- in the paper money, they have inflicted a fine on all holders of the Republican notes. It is even said that they have reestablished the Inquisition. Such are the results of Papal restoration by France : and yet the French army is, even now, keeping down the Roman people on behalf of the Govern- ment which thus uses its restoration!