18 AUGUST 1849, Page 12



The settlement of the Cousol Account occurred on Tuesday; when the pressure of Stock upon the market occasioned a demand for money. The " Continuation " for the September Account was at one period 1- per cent—equivalent to rather more than 5 per cent interest upon the capital employed. This, however, must be considered as an extreme rate, since the market was fully supplied with money at n per cent. During the settlement of the Account, Consols declined to 94, but afterwards improved again ; and after being at 92/ for Money and 93 Ac- count, the closing quotation this afternoon is 92* for Money and 92i 93 for Account. It will be seen that the difference between Money and Account has de- creased materially since Tuesday. Money is rather more in demand than it has been for some time; the rate of commercial discount ranging from 2 to 2/ .per cent, which though still extremely low is higher than it was recently. The transactions of the market have been very unimportant, and with the settlement of the Consol Aotount every appearance of activity has ceased. Mexican Bonds have been the principal objects of attraction in the Foreign Market. By the last mail, a letter was received from Mr. Robertson, the agent of the Committee of Spanish American Bondholders in Mexico, stating that he had concluded an arrangement with the Mexican Minister for the reduction of all the interest now due or -that will become due on Mexican Stock between 1846 and 1859, to A per cent; and that, in consideration of such reduction, the Bond- holders were to receive 4,000,000 dollars of the United States indemnity in pay- ment of the over-due dividends. This intelligence has raised the Stock nearly 16 per cent; the closing quotation this afternoon being 28/ 4.. If the arrange- ment be carried out, both the Government and Bondholders will be con- siderably embarrassed. Messrs. Schneider and Co., the agents of the Go, vernment, have already paid 11 per cent of the A per cent dividend due in January 1817; leaving per cent still unpaid, for which they have granted receipts, payable out of the Bret monies from Mexico ; and are threatened by the Mexican Minister of Finance with the loss of their agency for not having paid in full the dividend in question, which he alleges the funds in their hand would have enabled them to do. Now if the pro- reduction of interest is to affect the dividend recently paid, (and from Ir. Robertson's statement it would appear to do so,) Messrs. Schneider have over- laid all the parties receiving it 2s. M. per cent, which it will be impossible to re- cover. Sincethe publication of the letter alluded to, the receipts issued for the over-due portion of the dividend have been bought and sold extensively, and the holders oh them will of course be subject to considerable loss. A meeting of the parties holding these receipts was held today, in the Committee-room of the Stock xchange; when it was unanimously resolved to protest against any appropria- tion of funds remitted by the Mexican Government to other purposes, until the unliquidate.d portion of the late dividend were paid. Russian Stock is rather firmer, and is scarce. Dutch Bonds are aLso in de- mand, and advancing in price. Danish Stock of both varieties is steady at our last quotation. But the transactions in all these have been unimportant. The same remark will apply to the South American Stocks, which are unchanged. The Railway Shares are generally heavy. The reduction in the amount of dividend declared upon the Great Western Shares for the half-year just ended, to 2 per cent, has caused a fall of about 3/. in the shares; the quotation, which was on Saturday 76, has been as low as 72, and is today 73 and 74. The dividend upon the'North-western will be the same as for the last half-year; but in order to provide for its payment, a large sum has been taken from the unappropriated balance. These shares have fallen in about the same proportion as the Great 'Western; while all the minor varieties are depressed. It should be recollected that the summer half-year is the least profitable in aU railway undertakings: it may therefore be expected that whatever dividends are now declared upon the several lines will at least be maintained during the next half-year. The transactions in Foreign Shares have been unimportant. It may be as well to remind the holders of Paris and Lyons Shares, that unless these Shares be presented in Paris on or be- fore the lot September next, to be exchanged for certificates of Rentes, they will become worthless.


There is no change in the prices of the English Funds, which are at the same quotations as yesterday. The same remark applies to the Foreign Stocks, in which, as in our own securities, scarcely any business of importance has occurred. The Railway Shares are heavy, with but few transactions ; the following are the only bargains in'them yet recorded: Great Northern, 8; North-western, Fifths, Gi; North Staffordshire, 11i.

3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 3/ per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock 92f 1 924 I 921 1 931 1 81 9 Exchequer Bills 44 47 prem India Stock

Brazilian 5 per Cents 85 6 Belgian 44 per Cents 83 5 Chillan 6 per Cents 92 4 Danish 5 per Cents 69 71

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 11th August exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results- Banat/Al DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Danish 3 per Cents 98 100 Dutch 21 per Cents 524 3/ Ditto 4 per Cents 82 3 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 281 f Peruvian 6 per Cents 51 2 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 28/ 94 Portuguese 5 pet Cents 1824 78 80 Russian 5 per Cents 106 107 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 188 19 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 341 f Venezuela 25 7 Rest

white Deposits

£1,453 1,073,847 — — Other Lep.sits

£549,909 Seven-day and other Bills 11,998 —

Government Securities, Including Dead-weight

— 92 000 Other Securities — 19,102

Notes unissued


Actual Cireinauon —

497,345 Lanz DAPAIIIMP.

Notes Issued 153,070 —_...

Bullion 128,050 —

Weis week. Last week. Total Bullion in both DepartMentil 14,560,857 14,432,807 Actual Circulation 18,746,155 19,243,500


An Aosousit, pursuant to the Act 7th and 0th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 11th day of Aug. 1861.


Notesissued 427,818,875 I Government Debt 811,015,100

Other Securities 2.984,900

Gold Coin and Bullion 13,372,306

Silver Bullion 278,569



I S27.848,873

Proprietors, Capital

llest Public Deposits. Other Deposits Seven Day sad other Bills E14,553,000 3112500 4,712.703 9,953,425 1,117,481 Government Securities (fu- eluding Dead WelghtAnnuity)111,292.877 Other Securities 9.551,310 Notes 8,902.720 Gold and Silver Coln 911,982 133,818585 i33,648,889 • Including Erehetgaer,Savings Banks, ConualstiOnell or National Debt &Dividend Sada. DEPARTMENT.