18 AUGUST 1855, Page 5

inrrigu nut' Culunial. POUNCE.—The fete Napoleon, on the 15th, was

kept this year with diminished splendour ; and the money usually spent in lamps, fireworks, and shows, was divided among the families of the killed and wounded in the Crimea. Nevertheless, Paris kept holiday, and the Emperor received the great officers of state. The most conspicuous incident was the open- ing of the Pont de l'Alma, a bridge crossing the Seine at the end of the Avenue Montaigne. Its construction was only authorized at the begin- ning of December. The portion opened is twelve metres broad, and af- fords accommodation to foot-passengers, horses, and light vehicles. The Emperor also made many promotions in the Legion of Honour, and com- muted the sentences of 1088 prisoners.

Queen Victoria's visit is of course the event of the day, and great preparations are in progress at Paris to give her Majesty a worthy re- ception. The Northern and Eastern railways have been temporarily join- ed. The Strasbourg station has been splendidly decorated. Large tri- umphal arches have been erected in the boulevards ; and Turk- ish, English, French, and Sardinian flags, abound. At Boulogne, where the Queen was to arrive this morning, proportionately equal efforts have been made. A large pavilion has been set up on the Place Denon, where the Queen was to be received on landing. Two columns, bearing incense-burners, were set up before the tent. At the railway station, a large triumphal arch has been constructed ; bearing the words "Welcome to England," with the arms of the two countries. On each side of a colossal statue of Civilization are the flags of England, France, Sardinia, and Turkey ; while the Imperial and Royal standards of France and England float from tall masts on either hand. But these are nothing to the gorgeous array of gold and velvet and gauze, lions, eagles, flags, shields, evergreens, and flowers, that awaited the guests of France within the railway station. The Queen's reception-room is a model of French art. The troops from Honvault were to be drawn up to receive her Majesty, and the road to the station. lined with cavalry. The Emperor arrived last night at Boulogne, to receive her Majesty on her landing today.

Eight men have been tried at Douai and found guilty of attempting to assassinate the Emperor of the French, by placing an infernal machine under the railway between Lisle and Calais, in September last. The machine consisted of an iron box filled with gunpowder, and connected with an electric machine in an adjoining field. The Jury found two of the accused guilty ; and the Judge sentenced one to imprisonment for life, the other to five years' imprisonment. Three were acquitted, and three allowed judgment to go by default.

Tore CRIMEA.—We have before us two despatches from General Simp-- son, one from General Pelissier, some extracts from the journal of the' siege which Prince Gortschakoff assiduously transmits from Sebastopol for publication in the Invalids Blase, and the ordinary letters from the newspaper correspondents. The British Commander-in-chief, writing on the 4th August, recounts an attack by the Russians direpted up the Woron- zoff road, which passes at the bottom of a deep ravine separating the right and left attacks of the British line. The enemy, 2000 strong, supported by heavy reserves, advanced up the Woronzoff road pn the night of the 2d August, as far as the iron chevaux-de-frize that bars the way. Lieu- tenant Carr of the Thirty-ninth Regiment fell back, firing on the enemy, to the main guard of the same regiment under Captain Leckie. This party, supported by the guard of the trenches on the right of the fourth parallel—Chapman's attack—poured in a prompt and heavy fire on the enemy ; who retreated, leaving four killed, but carrying off his wounded. Only one man was slightly hurt on the British side,

In a despatch dated the 31st July, General Simpson says- " Several reconnaissances have been made from the valley of Balder to- wards Ozenbash, Aitodar, and through the Phoros Pass towards Aloupka the enemy nowhere appearing in any force : but the narrowness of the mountain-roads, with the exception of the Woronzoff, makes it unnecessary for them to alter their concentrated position on the heights of Mackenzie and plateau of the Belbek."

General Pelissier's despatch relates to a repulsed night attack on the 24th July, made by the enemy upon the extreme right of the French ambuscades opposite the little Redan. Both Generals state, that in spite of the Russian fire and the difficulties of the ground, their works were steadily thoug,h slowly making progress against the great Redan and the Malakoff. General Gortschakoff gives a summary of the operations be- tween the 22d and 26th July. Lieutenant-General Sir Richard England has been compelled, on the recommendation of a Medical Board, to return to England. The casualties in the British army from the 27th July to the 2d Au- gust inclyi4ve were 24 men killed, 6 officers and 191 men wounded. The names of the wounded officers are-

19th Foot—LieutenantA. Goren, slightly ; 44th Foot—Captain L. There- ton, slightly ; 46th Foot—Major C. F. Campbell, Asaistant-Engineer, slight- ly; 88th Foot—Captain N. Steevens, slightly; 79th Foot—Assistant-Sur- goon E. L. Lundy, slightly.

Fourteen men of the naval brigade were also wounded.

The Duke of Newcastle is in the Crimea, lodging with General. Ben- tinck.

The Crimean correspondents are awakened, by heavy rain which fell plenteously early in August, to the state of the roads, or tracks across the country. These had been broken up ; but the warning had been effectual,

and they were placed under repair. The stability of the railway is ques- tioned.

The following paragraph occurs in the "general orders."

"A letter having appeared in the Times newspaper, dated Camp before

Sebastopol, June 20, containing charges of the gravest nature against medical officers of this army, a Court of Inquiry was directed to examine into the truth of the allegations set forth in it. The officers composing this Court, after the most minute and patient investigation into the whole of the cir- cumstances connected with the treatment of the wounded on the 18th of June, declare that this letter is calculated grossly to mislead the public, and to cast blame on those to whom praise was justly due.' In this opinion the Commander of the Forces concurs, after a careful perusal of the evidence.

"It appears that Acting Assistant Surgeon Bakewell is the author of this

letter : he is therefore informed that his further services are dispensed with, and his name is struck off the strength of this army from this date."

- The Gazette of Tuesday contained a despatch from Sir Edmund Lyons, with enclosures from Commander Osbern of the Vesuvius, the senior offi- cer in the Sea of Azoff, narrating the doings of the flotilla between the 13th and 21st July inclusive. Detained for some days by bad weather under Berutch Spit, the flotilla was employed at the rare intervals of com- parative calm in destroying forage, provisions, guardhouses, and fisheries, on the Spit, to within gun-range of Genitehi. On the 13th July the weather broke, and the flotilla put to sea for a " sweep round the Sea of Azoff." On the 16th they destroyed forage and corn stacked behind Berdianak, by firing shells over the town. On the 16th they attacked Fort Petrovskoi ; driving out the garrison, and landing a party under Lieutenant Campion to complete the destruction of the works gun-plat- forms, stores of forage and corn. He landed in the face Of two bat- talions of infantry and two squadrons of cavalry, kept at a distance by the flee of the ships, and successfully executed his mission. On the same day, great quantities of forage and some fisheries were destroyed on the White House Spit. On the 18th fisheries were destroyed on the Crooked Spit and Glofira Spit, in spite of swarms of cavalry.

"I learned from a Russian fisherman," says Commander Craufurd, "that the fish caught on Crooked Spit and cured there was immediately forwarded to Simpheropol for the use of the Crimean army ; and I conclude that a very severe blow has been intliend upon the enemy by the amount of pro- perty which was destroyed, including spars, timber, fish, nets, and boats— apparently the most extensive fishing establishment in the Sea of Azoff—and, I am happy to say, without a casualty."

Meanwhile, lieutenant Hewett of the Beagle had landed at Berdiansk, and destroyed fish-stores and corn ; and Commander Rowley of the Curlew had burnt the pontoon connecting Genitchi with the Spit of Arabat.

"That the squadron has not been idle," writes Commander Osborn to Sir Edmund Lyons, "I trust this report will show; and, without entering more into details than I have done, I can assure you, Sir, that from Genitehi to Taganrog, and thence round to Kamiskeva, we have kept the coast in a state of constant alarm and their troops incessantly moving. The good service done by the gun-limits in this way has been very great. The total amount of provisions, corn, fisheries, forage, and boats destroyed, has been something enormous."

As a set-off, the Russians report that a screw gun-boat, after firing a shot at the church of Taganrog, on the 23d July, went ashore in the night, off the Krivaia Kowa Spit. The Cossacks instantly swarmed about the place and opened a fire, which the crew returned. But the Cossacks being reinforced, the crew took to their boats, " without being able to take down their colours." The Cossacks got on board, "hauled down the flag and jack, took two brass 24-pounder guns," and burnt the vessel. Three Cossacks were wounded. Seven steamers came up too late. "With this report," says Khomoutof4 the Hetman of the Cos- sacks, "I send the flag and jack taken by the Cossacks."

TURKEY. —From Paris comes a report that "a strong Russian division is marching on Erzeroum, and that all the disposable Turkish forces in Anatolia are hastening towards the same place."

The llospodar of Moldavia has accepted the offer of a French company to construct a railroad from the Danube to the Bukowina, following the valley of the Sereth. The company has a free grant of the land and possession for ninety-nine years. The French are engaged in making a road from Remove to Kustendje.

THE Ruasc.—Intelligence of the "destruction of Sweaborg" was re- ceived in London on Wednesday morning. Respecting this event in the war we have only two official telegraphic despatches and one unoffi- cial despatch. The first is from Admiral Penaud to the French Minister of the Marine ; and it was posted up at the Paris Bourse on Tuesday.

" On Board the Tourville, Aug. 11, 18,55.—The bombardment of Swea- borg by the Allied squadrons has been attended with complete success. An immense conflagration, which lasted for forty-five hours, has destroyed nearly all the storehouses and magazines of the arsenal, which is a complete ruin. Various powder-magazines and stores of projectiles blew up. The enemy has received a terrible blow, and suffers an enormous loss. Our loss is insignificant in men, and nothing whatever in material. The crews are in a state of enthusiasm."

The second, from Admiral Dundas, was communicated to the daily journals on Wednesday afternoon by Sir Charles Wood.

" Off Sweaborg, Aug. 11.—Sweaborg was attacked by the mortar and gun-boats of the Allied squadron on the morning of the 9th instant. The firing ceased early this morning. Heavy explosions and very destructive fires were produced in a few hours. Nearly all the principal buildings on Vargoe, and many more on Swartoe, including those of the dockyard and arsenal, are burnt. Few casualties have occurred, and no lives lost in the Allied fleet."

A communication from the Times correspondent was published with the French despatch on Wednesday morning.

"Bantsie, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 11 a.m.—The bombardment of Sweaborg commenced at six o'olock last Thursday morning, and continued until day- light on Saturday. The town itself is burnt to the ground ; not one house left. The dockyards are completely destroyed. All the earthworks and batteries are knocked to pieces. Six magazines blew up. In fact, Sweaborg exists no more. On our side there are very few casualties. This news was brought by the French steamer Pilican." Fleet before Sweaborg, Aug. 6. English—Duke of Wellington, Exmouth, Edinburgh, Pembroke, Corn- wallis, Hastings, Enryalus, Arrogant, Magicienne, Cossack, Vulture, Cruiser, Merlin, Geyser, Dragon, Lightning, Locust, Belleisle, (hospital-ship,).,Eolus, (ammunition-ship,) a merchant collier filled with spare shells for supplying mortar-vessels, fifteen gun-boats, sixteen mortar-vessels.

French—Tout-villa (flag-ship) and tender, Austerlitz, six gun-boats, five mortar-vessels. The French mortar-vessels are schooner-rigged, and armed with two ten-inch mortars.

DENM A ttli. —The Danish Chambers opened, at the Palace of Christians- borg, on Saturday last. This is an extraordinary session, called specially to consider the proposals made by the Crown for the modification of the Constitution of 1849, and to decide whether those modifications shall come into operation at the same time as the Ministerial plan of a form of government for the "whole kingdom." There was a full attendance. M. Bang, the Premier, in the name of the King opened the proceedings. The Deputies gave nine cheers for the King and three for the Constitu- tion. M. Rotwitt was elected President, and M. Broberg and M. Mon. red Vice-Presidents, The House then adjourned.

The Danish Admiral Mourier has been sent on a mission to Paris, ostensibly to present the insignia of the Danish order of the Elephant to the Emperor Napoleon, but really, it is intimated, to make a state- ment to the French Government respecting the unpleasant position in which Denmark finds herself with regard to the Sound dues. The United States have notified that they will pay these tolls no longer than April next. It is surmised that the Danes will attempt to levy them by force; and that in the event of war the Americans will take St. Thomas and St. Croix, the Danish colonies in the West Indies.

G ERMANT. —The Vienna Gazette, an official journal, publishes some com- ments on Sir George Grey's speech on Mr. Lames motion in the House of Commons. Sir George is represented as saying that he wished to im- press upon the House, "that with regard to the intentions of Austria, we were not enabled to infer that even if Russia rejected the Austrian pro- position she would immediately have declared war." The official journal of the Austrian Government expresses a belief, that "satisfactory intel- ligence" on this point was sent to their respective Courts by the Pleni- potentiaries of the Western Powers 'even before the 10th May—after which day all is certainty.

"The note sent on the 10th of May by the Austrian Cabinet to its Minis- ters at Paris and London established most distinctly what the Plenipoten- tiaries of England and France had before telegraphed to their Governments, namely, that upon the non-acceptance of Austria's intended ultimatum by Russia, the cases belli would immediately arise, and Austria would sign a military convention with the Western Powers. Had England and France. been willing, Sir George would have had no difficulty in finding Austria's direct-engagement to take part in the war."

[But is it not within the limits of probability, that what may appear to be a distinct engagement to a Cabinet like that of Austria—desirous as it evidently was of involving the Western Powers in prolonged negotiations on a point already disposed of—might not look either so direct or so sub- stantial to the Cabinets of the Western Powers, who bear the responsi- bilities of war and peace ?] A letter from Vienna, in the Breslau Gazette, mentioning a report that the Prince de Jninville desired to see the Count de Chambord, says that the Austrian Government has observed the constant activity of the Legitimists who are the guests of Austria, and would be extremely an- noyed if the Legitimists were to assume an attitude which might be con- sidered as a demonstration elsewhere.

For this reason, we are told, "it is probable that the interview between. the Prince de Joinville and the Count de Chambord will not take place in thel Austrian capital ; and it is also probable that the Count will soon proceed to, Venice. Hot-headed politicians, who fancied that from the Duke and Duchess de Montpensier having been invited to dine with the Emperor at Laxenburg, a change was contemplated in the policy of Austria, will shortly be able to convince themselves of the contrary.

ITALY.—A decree of Marshal Radetzky, and another of the Governor of Venice, direct the various Communes of Austrian Italy to take the necessary measures for the choice of the members of the Central Con- gregations: thus showing that the recent rumour was-well founded.

NM/L.—The overland mail arrived in London on Tuesday, with ad- vices from Calcutta to the 4th, and from Bombay to the 10th July. The new Five per mil Loan seems to have suddenly risen in public favour; it had been all subscribed, and the stock had risen to a premium of two per cent. Two reports were current in Calcutta,—one, that a reserve force was to be sent from India to Egypt ; the other, that Persia having given way to Russian solicitations, an expedition from 'India would be sent' to the Persian Gulf : but neither of these reports was considered as well founded. Perhaps the most significant piece of news is that relating to the mission which Major Phayre was about to undertake to Ave. It seems that the story about the revolution at Ave was totally incorrect. The King remains on the throne, and as friendly as ever to Europeans. "Major Phaj re proceeds as our Envoy, with Captain Yule, a very eminent Engineer officer, as his secretary. Captain Renuie, of the Indian Navy, who accompanies the mission, with Lieutenant Heatinote as his assistant, will survey the Irrawaddy, and report on its navigation. Major Allen, of the Madras service, will report on military matters. Dr. Forsyth will make ob- servations and furnish a report on the physical geography of the country: Professor Oldham, who has been directed to join the mission, will report on the _geological features, military resources, and coal-mines of that region, and Mr. Grant, an eminent artist, will take sketches of the most interesting objects and localities. The mission will be in every respect complete, and we shall probably have a more correct knowledge of the country on the Upper Irrawadly than we have of many provinces which have been half a century in our own possession."

The'Nepauleee have again defeated the men of Thibet in a pitched battle ; and thus the campaign of Jung Bahadoor was proceeding with complete success.

UNITED STATES. —The Canada arrived at Liverpool on Sunday, with advices from Boston to the 1st instant.

The Kansas imbroglio has for the present ended in the removal of go- vernor Reeder, and the substitution of Mr. Dawson, one of the majority who voted for the Kansas-Nebraska bill. One account says that Reedet has been "displaced on account of land speculations."