17 AUGUST 1944, Page 4

The fact that the 497 road deaths in June were

135 fewer than in May gives no particular ground for encouragement. Variations from month to month are of little consequence ; all that is relevait is the average taken over a period, and in fact' the June, 19th figures were higher by 117 than those for June, 1943. But it a some importance to discover what type of vehicle bears meg responsibility for the fatalities, and it is not very surprising la find, on analysing the figures, that by far the greatest danger at present comes from service vehicles. Private cars, of which there are, of course, relatively few on the roads, have a good record; pedal cycles caused no fewer than 65 deaths out of the total. So far as service vehicles will diminish in number after the war IR shall be better off ; so far as private ears increase we shall le worse. This evil will have to be tackled seriously, arid better rod construction is part of the solution. Mr. Noel Baker, Parliamental Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, last week gave a remarkable testimony as to the effect of roundabouts in reducing accidents.