18 DECEMBER 1847, Page 11



The English Stock Market has been in a quiescent state, and the business transacted, as is usual at this season of the year, unimportant. The fluctuations during the week have been about 1 per cent; Consols for Account ranging be- tween 844 and 851. The tendency has been downwards, and the closing quota- tion this afternoon is 85 *, within a trifle of the lowest price of the last few days. In the early part of the week, a shock was given to the market by the declaration of Lord John Russell that the Government are maturing a plan of national de- fence; and the price of Consols fell from 851 to 841. A better tone has since been apparent, and in the course of yesterday the quotation reached 851. Today, however, in consequence of some sales by the Bank Broker, supposed to be on account of the Savings Banks, another decline has occurred; and after being at 85 a, the last quotation is 851, as already stated. The decline may also be in some degree reterred to the prevalence of a report that the revenue of the quarter exhibits a considerable deficiency: whence an opinion has arisen that the advances required by the Government from the Bank for the payment of the January dividends will be so extensive as to preclude the possibility of any further reduc- tion in the rate of discount for some time. The market for Exchequer Bills in- dicates a slight improvement; the premium having reached 10e. The rate of commercial discount is about 54 per cent. In the Foreign Stock' xchange, yes- terday, being settling-day, it was rather more in demand, and the rate of interest for loans upon the security of Foreign Stock varied from 5 to 10 per cent. The transactions in the 'Foreign Market have been characterized by something like activity. Mexican Stock has been the most attractive eommoclity, and in the coarse of the week advanced 1 per cent. The intelligence by the Acadia has, however, caused a flatness; and, after some fluctuation, the closing quotation to- day indicates a decline of per cent from the highest price. Peruvian Bonds, which have been depressed for some time, seem to be reviving, and have today reached 80. We are not aware of the receipt of any intelligence to which this improvement is to be referred, but understand that it arises from the market having been cleared of a considerable amount of Stock thrown upon it in conse- nence of a failure that occurred in the middle of October. The Dividend-paying Stocks are without material variation from our last prices. Spanish Stock is also nearly as last week. The prospect of a change of Ministry in Portugal has given firmness to Portuguese Bonds; and the Four per Cents may be quoted a I en advance of from 4 to 1 per cent upon the quotations of the early part of the week. The transactions in this security, though more numerous than usual, have been unimportant. In spite of the comparative cheapness of money, the Railway Market continues to decline; the shares of all the principal lines being from 11. to 21. lower than butt-week; in the case tithe Eastern Counties the decline is from 15s. to V. upon a 201. share. The French Shares are without any material change : those of the Northern of France are rather firmer, notwithstanding the approaching call.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending December 11, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results--


Rest Public Deposits Increase.

£114,386 430,232 Decrease.

Other Deposits

3,913 Seven-day and other Bills


Government Securities, Including Dead-weight

Other Securities

439,478 Notes unissued 865,760

Actual Circulation lams Dgroozzazwr.

462,130 Notes issued 403,600

Bullion 393,577

Thu week, Lag week.

Total Bullion In both Departments 11,426,176 11,032,599 Actual Circulation 18,320.935 18,783,065 sissoansr, Twxtvx o'Csoce.

The English Stock Market is heavy in the absence of any business of import- ance; Consols for Account being 1below the closing prices of yesterday. Ex- chequer Bills are also depressed, business having occurred in them at 9s. and 7s. premium. There is no change or any appearance of business in the Foreign Mar- ket. The Railway Shares are still declining; and it will be seen that in the fol- lowing record of business done most of the quotations are lower than those of yesterday: Caledonian, 351 * 1; Chester and Holyhead, 21; East Anglian, 181., E. and H., 104; Eastern Counties, 154 4; Great Northern, 4/ ; Great Southern and Western, Ireland, 22; Great Western, 97; Ditto, Half-shares, 564 71; Brigh- ton, 42 4; North-western, 150 1491; South-western, Consolidated Eighths, 391; Ditto, Thirds, 4dis.; Midland, 108; Ditto, 501., 74 4; North British, 25.

SATURDAV, Two o'Czomr.

The transactions of the day have been unimportant, and the English Funds close heavily at the quotations given in the morning; Consols for Account being 841 5; Exchequer Bills are done at 10s. premium. The business of the Foreign Market has not been of more moment than that of the English House; the only bargains recorded being the following: Chili, 891; Mexican, 171; Russian Five per Cents, 1074; Spanish Three per Cents, 291 1; Dutch Four per Cents, 844. The de- cline of the Railway Shares still continues, and almost every bargain recorded since the morning is indicative of lower prices: the following are the principal bargains recorded. Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 174; Ditto, Thirds, 15; Chester and Holyhead, 204; Eastern Counties, 151 ; Edinburgh and Glaagow,±151; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland), 211; Great Western, 97 fsi; Ditto, Half shares, 574 64; Ditto,Quarter-shares, 164; Ditto, New, 171, 74; Ditto, Thirds, 114; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 414: London and North-western, 148 4; London and South-western, 52; Midland, 108 7; North Staffordshire, 61 * 1; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 191; Scottish Central, 221; York awl North Midland, 75 3; Boulogne and Amiens, 141; Luxembourg, R4 i; Northern of Franco, 114 e, Orleans and Bordeaux, 51; Paris and Straabourg, 4; Sambre and Meuse, 74; Vest Flanders, 14.

3 per Cent Consols Danish 3 per Cents 82 4

Ditto for Account 844 5 Dutch 24 per Cents bb

3 per Cent Reduced 841 Ditto 4 per Cents. 841 5 31 per Cents 861 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 174 181 Long Annuities 89 16 New Grenada 18 19 Bank Stock 1861 PortugueseN.4 perCents 1842 22 3 Exchequer Bills 7 10 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 75 7 India Stock Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 79 el Spanish (Active) b per Canto 111 Belgian 41 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 291 Buenos Ayres Venezuela 34 6

Chnian 6 per Cents 89 91