18 DECEMBER 1847, Page 1

The nomination of Dr. Hampden bo the see of Hereford

has given rise to one of the strangest episodes in the history of the pre- sent Premier. Thirteen Bishops send Lord John Russell a protest, warning him that the rumour of the nomination, while Dr. Hamp- den remains under the ban of Oxford University, has created great alarm in the Church, and that its consummation may provoke a feeling hostile to the supremacy of the Crown. Lord John denies the right of Oxford University to sit in judgment on Dr. Hamp- den, or of the Bishops to interfere with the Queen's prerogative. Next, four hundred and eighty-five laymen protest : Lora John politely denies their right to say anything in the matter. The Bi- shop of Exeter sends to the Premier a rejoinder, more angry, more arrogant, and more threatful : Lord John replies through the Ga- zette, with the conge d'elire. Dr. Philpotts will have an intense sense of the truth of Sydney Smith's assertion about Lord John's boldness. The Premier hasgone forivard with the prompt and is- exorable advance of a Nelson or a Cochrane, sword in head. Would that he evinced the same pertinacity and active vigour oftener, and in affairs of greater werldly importance! Whether Dr. Hampden is the best man at Lord John's disposal to be made a Bishop, is a different question.