18 DECEMBER 1875, Page 2

The Egyptian Khedive has been sending troops to conquer Abyssinia.

One division has, however, been cut up and driven out of the country. The expedition would have been reinforced, but the British Government, which wants the Khedive to remain solvent, and does not want to see Egypt include half North-Western Africa, interfered with a remonstrance which, as Mr. Cave has only just arrived, was effectual. The Pall Mall Gazette has published a telegram to Messrs. Oppenheim, stating that on the demand of the British Government, the Khedive had ordered his troops to retire from Abyssinia. Lord Derby was quite right in interfering, as Egyptian conquest involves the extension of slavery and forced labour, but the occurrence will not diminish the Continental im- pression that England is assuming a suzerainty over Egypt. We do not know why we should wish to diminish the impression, but the Government has recently appeared disposed to whittle it away.