18 DECEMBER 1909, Page 15


[TO TEE EDITOR OF TH " Snecr.teroz."] Sin,—European readers who wish well to Indian Moslems will no doubt appraise Mr. Blunt's Diary at its proper

value, and form their own ideas of the amenities of social intercourse under conditions which permit of the perverse publication of conversations, obviously private, in a form so justly condemned by your reviewer in last week's Spectator. To Moslem readers Mr. Blunt's Diary is a deplorable exhibition of disloyalty to the Government of his own Sovereign. He simply revels in making mischief, and seems to aim at sowing discord in India, as he has done in Egypt. No wonder that a French official in Cairo declared, after one of Mr. Blunt's deplorable attacks on Lord Cromer: "If you desire a proof of the amazing tolerance of British rule, you have it in their treatment of Blunt, who ought to be detained as a State prisoner in a Maltese castle. Surely he is a danger to Egypt and a curse to Islam by his writings.'