18 DECEMBER 1915, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " BPEOTATOR.1 Sant,— Wi11 you kindly allow me to add the following names to the list of places at the end of your moat interesting article on " Subterranean Passages " ? The underground passage which connected Bristol Castle with the river Froom is still in existence, and under Recleliffe Hill, in the same city, there are a large number of long passages underground, most of which are the property of the Midland Railway Company. Newark Castle also contains a good example of a passage between a fortress and a river. In Nottingham subterranean passages are more numerous and of greater extent than is generally known. As a boy I explored many of these, some to a distance of more than half-a- mile without reaching the end. My father pointed out to me the spot where an old passage came to the surface in the parish of Lenton, Notts. This passage was said to have led to Lenten Abbey, about three-quarters of a mile distant. There are also some fine underground passages at Blarney Castle in Ireland.— I am, Sir, &c., Hums L. P. Lows: Blagdon House, Stoke Bishop, Bristol.