18 DECEMBER 1926, Page 19



Sra,—At the luncheon held on December Oth at the Hotel Cecil, the new Church Extension Fund was inaugurated, and the Chairman (Mr. L. G. Sloan) intimated that a few London friends had already promised £7,000.

• Our Church is confronted with the call to provide churches for its members who remove to the outer suburbs, mainly young married folk ; and to enter into Presbyterian pos- session of the new towns which are coming or have already come into existence. The Home Church Committee already has before it details of more than a score of places where extension is called for.

New congregations are commonly weighed down by interest charges during their earlier years. The new Fund is so planned that loans may be made without interest for a con- siderable period, and substantial grants will also be given.

The Campaign Committee aims at raising £100,000 in three ,years. There must be many in London from Scotland, Ireland and Wales, who, with the memory of the advantages received from their own Presbyterian upbringing before them, will be glad to know of the opportunity of helping forward this important movement. Cheques, crossed " Church Extension Fund " and sent to me, will be gratefully acknow. ledged.—I am, Sir, &c., PERCY GRAHAM, Financial Secretary.

15 Russell Square, London, W .C.1.