18 DECEMBER 1936, Page 18

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Mr. Oldmeadow's letter astonished

me. May I be allowed to say that Mr. Fred Gray, an Englishman, is not the only Protestant pastor in Valladolid? For many years there has been a congregation in connexion with the Episcopal Reformed Church of Spain, in Valladolid. Since 1924 the pastor has been the Rev. Manuel Borobia, a Spaniard. The last information received from him was to the effect that he was imprisoned by the insurgents on July 20th, no charge being preferred against him. It has been reported in Spanish and Swiss papers, as well as in letters from Spain, that he and his family perished through the firing of the prison. These facts may be read in last Friday's issue of The Church of England Newspaper.

It is true that Mr. Oldmeadow wrote to me demanding the name of our Spanish correspondent. I replied that I was surprised that an old and distinguished Editor such as he should expect me to divulge the name of an anonymous correspondent. It is therefore rather strange that he should now say that " the Editor of The Church of England Newspaper flatly refuses to put me into communication with the con- tributor to its pages." When the " information " about Mr. Gray appeared in The Universe, I sent the facts to the Editor of our contemporary, who, however, has not yet seen fit to make any correction.—I am, yours, &c., HERBERT UPWARD, Editor, The Church of England Newspaper, _ 17 Tavistock Street, London, W.C.2.