18 DECEMBER 1993, Page 55

Civilised fudge

WHEN NOT selling Government stock, the Bank of England has another line in its hand. It sells Premier Quality Fudge. Wide- ly thought to be the secret ingredient in the Inflation Report, the fudge itself can be bought at the Bank's shop in Bartholemew Lane, the best and most civilised spot for City Christmas shopping. You can buy Bank umbrellas, which, unlike other banks' umbrellas, do not have to be brought back when it rains. Some handsome engraved glass marks the Bank's 300th birthday next year — note the Bank's reassuring idea of the right size for a whisky tumbler. To remind us that stocks and shares can, as they say, go down as well as up, a pink silk tie carries the FT's price table for Monday, 19 October, 1987 — the day the market fell off a cliff. Stocking-fillers include Bank of England Gold Vaults key rings, crisp bank- notes (edible) and gold-wrapped chocolate ingots. Mail order inquiries to 071 601 5545. I hope this enterprise survives the plans for independence now thrust upon the Bank from enthusiastic admirers, some of whom seem to have got the Old Lady muddled up with the Queen Mother. Stu- dents of policy note: for its big year, the Bank is bringing out a Fudge Selection Box.