18 DECEMBER 1993, Page 58


Sir: I welcome at last an article in your journal which has the honesty to describe Britain's uncomfortable relationship with Brussels from a viewpoint outside the camps that fought the battle of Maastricht (Tog in the Channel. Continent cut off', 27 November). But how resistant you are still, even in small things, to the inevitability of the further integration that Anne Apple- baum's perceptive piece predicts. She used the term 'European parliament' frequent- ly, as well she might, since it is the central democratic Institution of the European Union, but you insisted on using lower case for the initial 'p' every time. British atti- tudes are, as Anne Applebaum wisely com- mented, 'a matter of rhetoric and the way things are put .

Yet using the correct name does mark a step forwaid from The Spectator's previous reluctance to call the European Parliament anything other than an 'Assembly'. I remain grateful for small mercies and encourage you to move, as soon as you feel able, to a capitalised 'P'.

Marlyn Bond

European Parliament, 2 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1