18 DECEMBER 2004, Page 38

Creepy Taki

From Eric Potts

Sir: Taki fawns continually on Hitler’s generals. If it is not Guderian, it is Rommel. If Rommel was such a smart military man, how is it that he skived off on a 48-hour leave just as Eisenhower was about to launch D-Day? He could have spent some overtime trying to break the Allies’ codes, for example.

If the old fool ran out of fuel in the desert there must have been a good reason for this state of affairs. Such as Admiral Cunningham and the Royal Navy which controlled the Mediterranean sinking Germany’s tankers. At the same time the RN maintained supplies to the 8th Army at El Alamein. Some achievement.

I am no military strategist but it appears to me that Taki’s continual creeping to Hitler’s High Command is misplaced.

Eric Potts

Bishop Middleham, Co. Durham