18 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 7

NEW WaiTs.—New writs have been moved for Colonel Arbuthnot, for

Tregony ; and Mr. Glynne, for Flint ; both of whom have accepted the Chilterns.

TITHE COMPOSMONS.—From a paper laid before Parliament, it ap- pears that in 1,497 parishes, advantage has been taken of the Irish Tithe Composition Act; that the sum compounded for in these pa- rishes is 433,904/. as. 114d.; of whieh 65,935/. Is. 4Ad. is held by lay impropriators, 357,668/. 9s. ld. by ecclesiastical persons, and 10,300/. 15s. 71(1. by persons not coming under either of these desig- nations.