18 FEBRUARY 1843, Page 20


Tuesday, Feb. 7.


Drummond and White. London -Sayer and Lyon, West Smithfield, sheep salesmen

-Zulueta and Co. Liverpool, merchauts; as far as regards Zulueta-Caufield and

Whisley, Basinghall Street, woollenawarehousemen-Oaston and Davy. Kingston- upon Hull, aced-merchants-Harrison and Bellamy. Gray's lun• attormes-Chaffey and Brooks, Keintou Mandeville. Samersetshire. cheese factors-Whilock and Fisher, Birmingham, drapers-White and Neilsen Coal Company, Somersetshire; as far as regards Baker-Ainsworth and Son, Manchester, booksellers ; as far as regards T. Ainsworth-Willett and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, merchants-Marriage and Leaks, Chelmsford, mealmen-M'Clellan and Co. Liverpool-Hawkins and Miller, Bristol, shipwrights -Nicholls and Co. Frome Selwoud. card-makers - Hastings and Co. Great Suttou Street, Cerkenwell, thimble makers- Booud and Bentley. Manchester, fustian stiffeners-Young and Son. Rio de Janeiro-Cunliffe and Duckworth. Ramsbottom, Lancashire, engravers-Murton and Brother, Manchester, bleachers-Braggiotti and Co. Pinners Hall, commission merchants; as far as regards Navone-Meayers and Perfitt, Goswell Road. hatters-Invalid Institution, Denham Park, Buckinghamshire; as far as regards Botch -Gurney and Hadley, Leigh. Worcestershire. carriage-makers -Midland and Francis, Crediton, attoruies -England and Lister. Bilstun,coal.masters -Leaning and Lee. Bath, haberdashers-Roberts and Williams, Liverpool, grocers.


Clack, Bingley, Yorkshire. stone-mason - Clark, Eingley, Yorkshire, delver- Richardson. Manchester, stone-mason -Kempster, Guildford, cattle dealer-Russell, Whitchurch, Somersetsbire, butcher-Bray, Manchester, joiner-Moir, Sheffield, dry- salter-Gill, Bradford, Yorkshire, out of business-Stephenson. Sheffield, factor's clerk -Nicholls. Adam Street, clerk to a joint-stock company-Bolt, Church Row. Lime. house, Lieutenant R.N.-Bate, Stoke upon Trent, printer - Claybourne, Howdea. Yorkshire, butcher-Patten, Littleham. Devonshire, Commander in her Majesty's Navy-Hill, Liverpool, out of business-Evans, Barnes. poulterer-Hillier. Hammer. smith, carpeuter-Rayner, Stratford, livery-stable-keeper-Town, Keighley, butcher- Burgh junior, King Stanley, Gloucestershire, farmer- Foottit, Sheffield, attorney - Thornton. Dewsbury. out of business -Thuruton, Dewsbury, out of business-Thorn- ton, Dewsbury, commercial-traveller.


BRouwELL, JOHN, Northampton, builder, to surrender Feb. 21, March 17: solicitors, r. Wrentmore. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Thompson, Northampton ; official assignee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. Barron, DANIEL. Albion Place. Battle Bridge. pawnbroker. Feb. 21. March 31 : Messrs. Pain and Hatherly, Great Marlborough Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. COOLEY, HENRY, and THOMPSON. !AMES, Willesborough. Kent• tea dealers. Feb. 27. March 28: solicitors, Mr. Daugerfield, Chancery Lane; and fil.r.Dang,erfield, Ashford, Kent ; official assignee. Mr. Turquaud, Copdisll Buildings. FENDALL, GEoR0E, Woods'ock Street, butcher. Feb. 24, March 15: solicitor, Mr. Mirfin. Gray's Ion; official assignee, Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings. GIBSON. JOHN BECK, Northampton, linendraper. Feb. 21, March 17: solicitors, Mr. Weutmore, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Thomson, Northampton, official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basiughall Street. GREATLEY, GEORGE, Hatton Garden, jeweller, Feb. 17, March 10 : solicitor, Mr. Miller, Abchurch Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. HARVEY, WILLIAM WARD. senior and junior, Maosfield, coach-makers. March 2, 18: solicitors. Mes-rs. Walter and Pemberton, Symoud's Inn; and Mr. Flower, Mansfield; official assignee, Mr. Frame, Leeds. MARKLEW, IIENRY. Eleuley.upon-Thames. innkeeper. Feb. 27, March 28: solicitors, Dimmock and Co. Size Lane; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basiugham Street. M' ESTEEM, THOMAS, Liverpool, provision-merchant, March 1. March 28 : solicitors, Mr. Armstrong, Staple ; and Messrs. Knapper and Woollright, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Follett. Liverpool. NoRaixerosr, THOMAS, Writtle, wheelwright. Feb. 27. March 28: solicitors. Messrs. Trelierne and Co. Leadenhall Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. Sorra, HENRY JAMES. Surrey Canal. Old Kent Road, coal-merchant, March 2, 28: solicitor. Mr. Jordeson, St. Mary-at-hill; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthail Buildings. SIMMOND, Rosser. Victoria Place, Hoxton Old Towu, litiendraper, Feb. 92, Mara' 15 : solicitor. Mr. Goddard, Wood Street, Chearside : official assignee. Mt. inlimien, Basingliall Street.

Erratum in the Gazette of the 17th inst. William Humphrey's Bankmptcy- The second day of meeting should have been the nth inst. and not the 12th, as therein

slated. DIVIDENDS. March 9, Allan, Much Wymondley, Hertfordshire, cattle dealer-March 9. Bryant, King William Street, West Strand, bookseller-March 7. W. and J. Smith, Hutton Garden, cabinet-makers -March 9, Boor, Lower Thames Street, eatinghouse-keeper- March 7, Miles. Southampton, wellendreper -March 7. Rucker and Co. Miming Lane. West India merchants-March 7, Leary. Parliament Street, surgeon-March 9, Starie, Cutler S reef, carpenter-March 7. Castley, Friday Street. warehouseman-March 7. Daniel, Bishop's Stopfind, malt-factor-March 9. Huntsman, High Holborn. chemist- March 2, Bull. Bucklersbury, merchant-March 7, Hitchcock, Regent Street, linen- draper - March 10, C. and 1'. Knight, Ivy Lane, salesmen-March 10, Masson, Lime Street Square, merchant - March 10, Harris, Birmingham. glass-manufacturer-March 21, Taylor and Butterworth, Rochdale, painters-March IU, Melts and Today. Man- chester, drapers-Match 9, Faye, Liverpool, master. mariner -alarch 16. Wyatt. PIP month, upholsterer-Mulch 13, Hall and Rainbow, Stratford-upon-Avon, corn-mer- chants. CERTIFICATES •

Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or befure March 7.

Smith, York. draper -Groombridge. Crimscott Street, Bermondsey, carpeuter- Huuldsworth, Egremunt, Cheshire. common brewer-Palliser, Moorgate Street, sad' dler-Renuy, Liverpool, oilcloth-manufacturer-Chatterton, Nottingham, milliner-- Greenwood Dewsbury, Yorkshire, linendraper-Haslam, Little Bolton. cottowspiuner -.I. and W. H. Hamilton, Manchester,' Calico-printers-Harwood, Beverley, linen- draper-Holylaud, Manchester. woollen cloth.roanufacturer-Pellet, Arundel, miller -Finn, Nottingham, tailor-C. and P. Knight, Ivy Lane, salesmen-Hutton, Liver"

pool, ship chandler-Robinson, Leadenhall Street, tallow- merchant -Sorby. Sheffield, steel-matatracturer-Urry, East Retford, coachmaker -Dean Habergham Eaves. Lan• ca.shire, cotton-spinner-Lines, Hales Owen, Shropshire, grocer-Dedmau, Bryan- stone Street. Portman Square, grocer. To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.

March 9. Powell, Southampton. tailor -Murch Ii. Head. Wickham, Hampshire, grocer-March 11. Thomson. Crutchedfriare, contractor-March 9. Whapshott, King Street. Borough. engineer-March 9, Wilson. Wickhambrook, Suffolk, inukeeper- March 9. Morgan, Llandilesfaur. Carmartheeshire, farmer March 6. Lockwood. Kirk- heaton. Yorkshire, manufacturer of fancy waistcoating-March 14. Davies. Llanidloes. Moulgomery.hire. flannel manufacturer-Marl119, Bolton, Kingston upon-Hull, corn- merchant-March 9, Fox. Gresford. Denbighshire, iron• master March 8, Smart. Flax Beurton, Somersetsbire, brewer-March 20, Bussey, Sheffield broker-March 9, Pitt, Selby., witte.merchant -March 16. Orchard,' Bath. upholsterer-March 10. Rogers, Dartmouth. wine-merchant-March 9, James, Liverpool, limestone-dealer-March 4, Baker and Swinburne, Birmingham. timber-merchants-March 9. Lundy, Kingstou- nponMull, straw hat-manufacturer - March 16, Webb. Birmingham. tailor-March 11. Hall, Tredington. Worcestershire, and R. Rainbow. Stratford upon-Avon, corn-mer- chants-March 7, Harris. Birmingham, glass manufacturer-March 8, Bradshaw, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire, draper-March 11, Thompson. Blackburn. cloth-manu- facturer- March 17, Buckley, Manchester. dealer in cotton-twist - March 14, Aolta, Stockport, cotton-spinner -Feb. 9. Allen, Walsall, saddler.


Beare, M., Glasgow, house-painter, Feb. 22. March 15. M'Cassoss, A.. Port Glasgow, merchant, Feb. 20. Minch 13.

M' Crustier. W., Kilmarnock, saddler, Feb. 22, March 23.

Sarre, J., Inverness, founder, Feb. 22. March 15.

Serra, F. and THOMSON, Barrhead. calico-printers. Feb. 15, March 8.

WALKER, E., Glasgow, china-merchant. Feb. 15, March 15.

Friday, Feb. 17.


Schofield and M'Cartney. Manchester, grocers -Pontiu and Blake, Cirencester. livery-stable keepers-Dalglish and Co. Liverpool. merchants ; as far as regards R. W. Dalglish-M. and R. Pennington, Huddersfield joiners-Harrisou and Co. Liverpool, merchants -Backhouse and Seward. Ipswich. architects-Ward and Pain, Rose Street, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen-Hind and Hall. Derby, horse dealers - Elderton and Phillott, Clement's Lane. solicitors-Hermon and Weidner, Agar Street. Strand, architects-T. and M. Tubb, Prospect Row, Bermondsey, oil-dealers-Nee hill and Wrathmell. Bradford. Yorkshire, tea-dealers-Nattall and Co. Derby, stonemasons- Jaques and Coley, Birmingham, corn dealers-Spencer and Killick, Tunbridge Wells. drapers-H., T., and R. Killick, Hartfield, Sussex, drapers-Smith and Braithwaite, Leeds. coppersmiths-Wake and Sissons. Kingston•upon-Hull, builders-Canfield and Whisler, Ilaaiughall Street, woollen-warehousemen-Williamson and Worthington, Manchester, cardmakeis-Roffey and Finley, Wimbledon, tailors-J. B. and E. B. Bayley,. Pendleton, Lancashire. wollen stuff printers-W. and C. Wilson, Wakefield, Yorkshire. painters-Bendrey and Ashmore, Brick Lane. tea-dealers-Curry and Hogg, Benwell, Northumberland, joiners-Samson and Co. Strand. coal merchants-W. and R. Litlejohu. Worcester, leather-dressers- Dalglish and Co. Glasgow ; as far as regards W. Dalglish junior.


Sampson, Edmund Place, Aldersgate Street. compositor-Humplireys, Manchester. medical student-Jacobs, Newington. dealer in glass-Stephenson. Bradford. York- shire. machine maker-Oxlev, Rotherham, Yorkshire, wheelwright - Bates, Kirkbea- ton, Yorkshire, fancy woollen-manufacturer-Greeuwood, Kirkheaton. Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer-Hargreaves, Neath. Glamorgansbire, attorney-Winterbottom, Chester. mail-coach-driver-Jones, Chester, iunkeeper-Howorth, Ashworth, Lanca- shire, jonrneyman eotton-spInner-Page. Gloucester, labourer-Fearnley, Otley, York- shire, victualler - Dawson. Kirkburion, Yorkshire, pattern-weaver-Dutich: Broseley, Shropshire, bricklayer-Halstead, Huddersfield. greengrocer-Roe. South Leen. Nor• folk, farmer -Stopfurth. Warwick Street, Golden Square. engraver-Read,'Snowhill, carpenter-Callcott. Newcastle Street, Strand, musician-Harringtou (sometimes called James Sorrell). Inwsrth, Essex, carrier-Smith, Weston, Lincolnshire, farmer -Wilton, Wilson Street, Finsbury, sackmaker-Neill, Birmingham, tailor-B(6er, Shere, Surrey, bricklayer.


ADAMSON, WILLIAM, Idealism. Butcher, March 6, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Fos- ter and Evans, John Street, Redford Row ; and Mr. Wexford, Hexham ; andel assig- nee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Corren.s. ions Proms, Worcester, grocer, Feb. 24. March 21 : solicitors, Jones and Son, Milmau Place, Bedford Ron ; and Messrs. Arnold and Cu. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.

DUNN, WILLIAM. Barnstaple, carrier, March I. April 5 : solicitors, Mr. Bencraft, Barnstaple ; and Messrs. Maugham and Kennedy, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.

Davis, JAMES PAINTER, Bromley, Kent, innkeeper, Feb. 28, March 31: solicitor, Mr. Atkins, White Hart Court, Lombard Street ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basing- hall Street.

FAWCETT. Tnomes, Whipsnade, cattle dealer, Feb. 28, March 30 : solicitors. Messrs. Dyne and Co. Lincoln's len Fields; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. GREGoltir, AARON, MAW, linendraper, March 7, 31 : solicitors, H. W. and W. C. Sole, Aldermanbury, ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Frederick Place, Old Jewry, JERVIS, HENRY ZAcilARTALT, Moorgato Street, money-scrivener, Feb. 24, March 29: solicitor, Mr. Kine, Gracechurch Street; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.

LEWIS, .14.141e, Feruhill, Shropshire, draper. March 1, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Harper and Jones, Whitchurch ; and Mr. Hodgson, Bit mingham ; official assignee, Mr. little- ston, Birmingham. PARIENTE, JUDAS DE JACOB. Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, merchant. Feb. 25, March 24: solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Matthews, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Pen- nell, Basinghall Street. PATToN, Taoism, Swan Street, Newington, ironfounder, March 6, 30: solicitor, Mr. Anderson, Cornhill ; official assignee. Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. SARTAIN, JAMES, Corsham, Wiltshire. cattle.dealer, March 6, April 6; solicitors, Mr. Fluder, Egremout Place; and Mr. Pinuiger, Chippenham; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Bristol,

Towsrs, have, George Street, Spitalfields, chocolate-manufacturer, March 4, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Blenkurue, Bucklersbury ; r fficial ossignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.

Wersrotr, JAMES, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, saddler, March 6, April 3: solicitors. Messrs. Williamson and Hill, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Ingledew, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastlempon.Tyne.


March 10. Coral). Bristol, hosier-March 10, Pairbairn, King's Arms Yard, wine- merchant-March 13, Matthews and Hopkins, Manchester, c al-merchants-March 10. Schofield. Kingstou-upon-Thames; timber-merchant-March 10, Hart and Llewel- lin, New-gate Street, woollen•warebousemen -March 23, Mottram, Alrewas, Stafford- shire, woolstapler-March 13, Carr, South Shields, grocer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 10. Webber. Lincoln, tailor-Muntun, Grealford, Lincolnshire. miller-Oliver, Maid- stone. upholsterer-Newcomb, Newgate Market, butcher-Ring, Crimscott Street, Bermondsey; carpenter-Edwards. Shrewsbury. banker-Pugh, Bristol, cabinet-maker -Walker. Drury Lane looking-glass-maker-Welltion, Cambridge, butcher-Raleigh, and Goode, Manchester.. merchants-Lawless, Manchester. commission-agent-Fehr. Dudley. wine merchant-Tonikinson. Stoke-upon-Trent, wine merchant-Laurier and Lock, Wood Street, importers-Wilson. Leeds, flax-spinner-Atherton, Manchester, flint-glass manufacturer- Casacuberta, Manchester, merchant-Arthur, Birmingham, coachmaker.

T. be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on theft of meeting. March 10, Palmer. Lynn, draper- March 10. Spence, Stratford, Essex, market- gardener-March 10. Appleton. Walnut-tree Walk, corudealer - March 10, Grist, New Brentford, grocer-March 10, Hodson. Reading, druggist-March 14, Hopper, Great Queen Street, carpet.warehouseman- March 15. Cue. Goldsmith Street, Wood Street, laceman-March 11, Ilentig, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant-March 11, Smith, Leeds. dealerr-March 10, Brown. Liverpool. millwright-March 17, Cooper and Ayre. Man- chester, calico. printers-11152620, Pyefinch, Shrewsburp, ehymist -Mardi 11. Green. wood. Calverley Mills, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-March 10, Carter, Hammersmih, carpenter.

SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. Csrerr..s. P. cad W. Edinburgh, chemists, Feb. 22, March 15. CAMERON, D. POLLOCK, Argyleshire, grazier, Feb 23, March 16. Reagan, J. Kilmarnock, upholsterer, Feb. 23. March 23. SwtHERLAND, G. Glasgow, manufacturer. Feb. 21, March 15. Tarsoa, A. Glasgow, grocer, Feb. 22, March 14.