18 FEBRUARY 1871, Page 14


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In an article headed " Mr. Froude on the State of Ireland," which appeared in a recent number of the Spectator, the following

sentence occurs with reference to events represented as having taken place upon my estate in Kerry :-

" Mr. Trench had just succeeded in evicting a tenant He

`held the remains of another tenant's lease, and it was found extremely difficult to dispossess him,' but it was well that it should be done before the new Land Act came into operation."

As these words are capable of a mischievous interpretation, you will allow me to state through your columns that the holding in question, which consisted of a small lodge and a tract of mountain shooting, held by the tenant exclusively for sporting purposes, was not an agricultural tenancy, and was therefore not likely to be affected by the then coming Irish Land Bill.—I am, Sir, &c., Lansdowne House, February 15, 1871. LANSDOWNE.