18 FEBRUARY 1899, Page 27

REPRINTS AND Naw EDITIONS. —Medical Works Of - the POET- teenth Century. By

the Rez,„grofesaor G. Henslow. (Chapman and. Hall. alctiV.3of Tike-Tatler, edited, with Introduction and Notes, by George A. Aitken (Duckworth and Co., bQs.)—In the charming series of " Temple Classics," edited by Israel Gollancz, AL A. (J. M. Dent and Co., is. 6d. per vol.); we have Aurora Leigh, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Men and Women, by Robert Browning ; and Vols. I. and IL of Plutarch's Lives, edited by Sir Thomas North, the whole to be completed in ten volumes.—In the new edition of " The Works of Henry Fielding," with an introduction by Edmund Gosse (A. Constable, 7s. Gd. net per vol.), we have Vols. VIII. and 1 X., being the second and-third volumes of Amelia.—In the

revised edition" of "George Meredith's Novels "(samepublishers,

y Gosse has written an in- troduction, comprising a biography and a literary estimate to The Black Prophet ; a Tale of Irish Famine, by William Carleton (Lawrence and Bullen, 3s, 6d.) —Without Faith and Fear. By J. E. Muddock. (Digby, Long, and Co. 2s. Cd.)—We welcome a six- penny edition of The Pleasures of Life, by Sir John Lubbock, Bart. (Macmillan and Co.) The first edition is dated 1887, the twentieth 'SOO; what is the number now reached we are not told. Truly there must he many people who do not agree with Sir G. Cornewall Lewis that life would be tolerable but for its " pleasures."— Selections from the Spectator, edited by Mrs. Herbert -Martin, and Typee r a Romance of the South Seas, by Herman -Melville (Blackie and Son, is.), volumes in " Blackie's Home and School Library."—Memories of Father Healy of Little Bray (Macmillan and Co., 3s. 6d.),—the " Sydney Smith" among Irish priests. —Songs and Verses. By G. Whyte Melville. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 3s. 6d.)—Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. By Basil Hall Chamberlain. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)— Remarkable Comets. By William Thynne Lynn. (E. Stanford. 6d.) —Catriona. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Cassell and Co. 6d.)