18 FEBRUARY 1905, Page 14

SIE, — May I call the attention of your readers to "The

Evangelical Free Church Catechism," prepared by Special Committees of the National Council of Evangelical Free Churches in England and Wales ? It was composed to "express the Christian Doctrines held in common by all

Evangelical Free Churches," and contains fifty-two questions and answers.

"Question No. 29. What special means has God provided to assist us in leading a life of obedience P—Answer. His Word, Prayer, the Sacraments, and the Fellowship of the Church."

"Question 41. What are the Sacraments of the Church ?— Answer. Sacred rites instituted by our Lord Jesus to make more plain by visible signs the inward benefits of the Gospel, to assure us of His promised grace, and, when rightly used, to become a means to convey it to our hearts."

"Question 47. What do they receive who in penitence and faith partake of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper P—Answer, They feed spiritually upon Christ as the nourishment of the soul, by which they are strengthened and refreshed for the duties and trials of life."

The above quotations are a sufficient answer to "A. E. T."

(Spectator, February 4th). The Catechism from which they are quoted is published by Thos. Law, Farringdon Street, B.C., and if it were more widely known it would, I believe, make for interdenominational sympathy and peace. I enclose a

copy of it.—I am, Sir, &c., M. W. C.