18 FEBRUARY 1928, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In the very interesting article by Mrs. Erskine in your issue of February 4th (p. 150) occurs the expression, " the true history of Columbus, who never set foot in America" (the italics are mine).

Is the reader to understand that expression to be the opinion of the writer of the article, or that of Vicente Blasco Ibanez ? The novelist is also quoted as saying, " America is waiting for that book." And, too, so are Spain and Italy. My own personal investigations—made in Spain during many years—have obliged me to believe and to maintain that the discoverer—whose actual name was Cristobal Colon—did " set foot in America."

Whilst all lovers of Spain, her people, and her literature are more than confident that the discoverer's name was Cristobal Col6n and not Christopher Columbus, and that he was a Spaniard and not an Italian of Genova, they are equally confident that her great archives contain the proof that that son of Galicia did actually " set foot " on the main- land of America, and, of course, would be too glad to know of the authority to the contrary to enable them—if it really be forthcoming—to correct their opinion.

These observations are written almost within sight of the town and port of Palos from which Colon and Pinzon sailed on their Voyage of Discovery in 1492.—I am, Sir, &c., Spain. W. G. NASA.