18 FEBRUARY 1928, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—We were pleased to read the letter from Captain Fair- hohne of the R.S.P.C.A. in your issue of February 11th. Through the enterprise of the Spectator the Schermer Pig Trap was brought to our notice and installed in our abattoir on November 30th last. Since that date it has been in continuous use and upwards of 2,000 pigs of all weights and sizes have passed through it. By its use in combination with the captive bolt pistol, pain and fright are entirely eliminated and the work is greatly speeded up. Many interested persons, including ladies, have seen our process at work, and have, without exception, expressed their unqualified approval.

Should humane killing be established by law, we believe the speed obtained by this or some similar device would overcome almost all the difficulties anticipated by firms who kill pigs for hoisting without previously stunning them.— We are, Sir, &c.,


[We have always felt that the practical testimony of a successful business. firm as to the superiority of humane methods of slaughter is worth many gallons of printer's ink used by the lay sympathizer. For that reason we welcome Messrs. Davy's remarkable tribute to the efficacy of the pig trap. Apart from conservatism and prejudice is there any reason why the captive bolt pistol and the pig trap should not be introduced into every large slaughter-house in Great Britain ? We hope that the new Scottish Bill will extend its scope to include pigs.—ED. Spectator.]