18 FEBRUARY 1944, Page 21


1.4 Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct w;uuon of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, Fd-niary 29th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and mu,, bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a :id. stamp. Sch.nons must be on the form be!ow, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A.

I h, solution and the name of the winner tril be published in the follow'ng issue.]


" The cowslips tall her

(Shakespeare.) See 28.

Sustains many an inhabitant of 7.

" I make the netted sunbeam dance

against my sandy



• .• y- Tribe of old fossils.

Naturally one takes coins on short trips.

le They go over the bridge in 24.

He had a good time, although very Pore.

(A)sters' ducks.

Red vase. (Anag.) This country is not necessarily it mountainous.

Yet think not that I come to urge thy crimes, I did not come to curse

rn thee, ." (Tenn)son.)

6 This type doesn't go in for flourishes. 2' The lion takes to the nest; it's heavenly.

23 Iron ones do not make a 7 at. 2Y Puts ashore a hundred monkeys.


2. Puzzling. 3. But there's no reservation about the Moscow guns!

4. Spare horses at sea?

5 And stands about the woodland ride Weat'ng whi e or

(A. E. Housman.) 6. Impressive mammal. 7 But what did the Caliph eat? 8. Go pale as a daisy.

13. Ornaments thus don't make a breeze. Is. This is confused above The Nine. 17. Vesta's ire. (Ann.)

20. How the bird arrives at the station? 22. Callita of tropical entanglements?

24. The girl in the orchestra.

25. By word of mouth. tidc."