18 JANUARY 1840, Page 1

The French Chamber of 1)011101N is occupied with the discussion

on the Address. M. Timms has ereoted "a vast sensation" by a masterly speech en foreign policy, strongly advocating the continuance of a close alliance between Prance and Eredand. Deputies, of all polities, it is said, left the Chamber declarin::; that M. Tninas alone was fit for tile Fore tire Detortment.

ITh Su:J(111y i eiween 590 and roo Netional (1uards, it it,. it uni- forms, 'NI tlit1.11 11:•• n SAW(' members of the Flienoral Reform Ce.amitiee, to return thanhs feo. their exertions 1) oioain the pri \alter • for every member of the Natiooal Guards. N. La rorrii I 7,•:. • I a short speech of encomragement to the (1,,Itnis. To prevent

:on of such demonstrations, the following notice tippcared ia Toedoy's fen deur-

" The National Guards who assembled on Sunday dressed in their uniforms, for the purpose of'complinienti»g several Deputies on their projects of electoral rvfortn, tranqgres.4ed the duties imposed upon Ulm) by the :ass'. Tile ani will :Wild measures to prevent the rut strrowe ()I' similar scenes, and the oftivers mho came forward on that occasion will he brow6lit to an account fur their comluet."

l'he trial of JILANO1I1 and others, implicated in the insurrection of Nay last, is uroecedi»g in the Court of' Peers.