18 JANUARY 1840, Page 10



The arrear of American intelligence has been fully brought op by various arrivals from the United States, to the 29th December, from New York. The advices just received are upon the whole of a satisffictory character, though they do not note any improvement in the prices of' the American Funds; but we gather from them that the financial crisis N, which the commercial inte- rests of the Union have been so long derressed is fast passing away. It was reported here previous to the arrival of the President's message, that one of the measures of the United States Government during the approaching ses- sion of Cougress, would be the passing of an act to consolidate the \ ariouS State Debts into a general fund of the nature. of a national debt ; but it is evi- dent from the le marks of the President upon this subject, that there never was any foundation for this report. The various American State Funds current here have not consequently experienced any improvement ; the only advence in value that we can note in the Securities of the United States, being in the debentures of the loan recently raised by 'Messrs. ROTHSCHILDS for the United States Bank, which were done yesterday at 4 prem. This loan is appa- rently a favourite security; for it is quoted in Paris at 57,- prem., and our recent improvement of 2 per cent. has been consequent upon pur- chases made to supply the Paris market. The report to which we last alluded of an alteration by the Bank Directors in the rate of discount, has, as we pre- dicted, experienced its weekly revival : the alteration will probably take place much sooner than could otherwise have been expected, as, from the large influx of bullion by the recent arrivals from New York, the amount in store at the Bank must have been materially augmented, and is now supposed to exceed by 1,000,0007. the amount stated in the last return. Money contieues very abundant ; and the premium upon Exchequer Bills is still the same, viz. 9s. to Its. : 500/. bills are, however, quoted at 12s. prem. India Stock is 249, and 249i ex. div. ; while Brink Stock., which was yesterday, at 177,4, is to-day at 178i. Long Annuities are 14 1-16th ; which is rather lower than they have been, the quotation having reached 14A. There seems to be the usual disposition among the public to invest their dividends; and what- ever quantity of Stock may be thrown upon the market in masses, is speedily absorbed by the reiterated purchases of small capitalists. Eveq description of Stock upon which the dividends have been paid is now open for transfer. A decline of per cent, occurred in the Funds on Wednesday, upon a re- port that war bad been declared against China, and that an increase of the Army was in contemplation. The settlement of the January account in Con- sols occurred yesterday ; from the scarcity of Stock, the market reacted to the whole extent of the previous decline. The price is not quite so firm to-day, and may be quoted A lower. In the Foreign Market, Brazilian Five per Cents. have continued to improve, and are to-day at 796 75. A lurge purchase of Colombian Stock has also caused a rise in that description of' Bonds of nearly 2 per cent. ; from 25, the market advanced to 27, afterwurds fell to 26, and has again rallied about t per cent. We are not aware that there is any new feature in the aspect of Columbian affairs to which this purchase is referable, which is, we understand, to the extent of 40,000/. ; but, from the known connexions of the broker employed, we should infer that some favourable modification of the propositions recently made to the Bondholders may be shortly, expected. The anticipations of the speculators in Portuguese Securities have not been realized. The mail of Monday last brought copies of the Royal Speech tarn the cpening of the Cortes ; but the notice there taken of the claims of the Bondholders was not so favourable as had been expected. The Bonds have consevently fallen; the Five per Cents., from 363, the price on Saturday after- noon, have been depressed to 334; while the Three per Cents, have given way from 254 to 24 an improvement occurred in the course of yesterday and to-day, the market having advanced 1 per cent, upon the lowest quotations. Spanish Stock has been steady between 24A and 25; but improved to 253 yesterday afternoon, upon a rumour of the death of CABRERA. .This morning the market opened at 25i buyers; and, after fluctuating between that price and 254 for some time, improved to 26A, but speedily gave way, and closes at 254.

There have been some slight fluctuations in Dutch Bonds, but the business of importance transacted has been almost entirely confined to the Stocks which have formed the subject of previous remark.

The English. Funds are unchanged. Exchequer Bills are, however, a shade higher, and are quoted at 10s. to 12s, prem. India Stock is, however, heavier, and is marked at 249; while Bank Stock is nominally the same. In the Fo- reign Market, Spanish Active is rather lower, the expectation of a high price from Paris not having been realized : the opening price was 254 3, and after being for a moment buyers at 253, the price is now 253 4. Portuguese Bonds are dso slightly depressed; the Five per Cents, opened at 344 54, and the Three per Cents. at 234 to 244. The fbrmer have been done at 36a and 3, and though we are not aware of anybargain having been effected in the latter, they are now quoted 2334. Columbian Bonds are improving ; the opening quota- tion was 26i 7, and after being at 264 and 273, they are now 27 to Is. The other Foreign Funds are at yesterday's prices.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto lbr Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 3.1 per Cent. Ditto New 31 per Cents Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock for Account 901 1 91,V t 94 .1 991 991 I771 8 10 12 pm. 249 Brazilian 5 per Cents ..... .. Belgian 5 per Cents Columbian 0 per Cents. 1824 Danish 3 per Cents. Dutch 21 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts Ditto 3 per Cent Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active)

741 5 1011 21 :27 1 75:: f31 5.!1 1- 341 1 231 1 1121 131 251 1