18 JANUARY 1840, Page 14


THE anniversary meeting of the Madrigal Society was held on Thurs- day evening, at the Freemason's Tavern; Sir JOHN Itounns, the Presi- dent, in the chair. The attendance was very numerous, and we noticed a large gathering of professional brethren. This Society, which is as interesting from historical recollections as it is attractive from the in- trinsic merits and the admirable performance of the compositions to the cultivation of which it is devoted, has now existed for nearly a century ; and it has lived to witness the growth, the decay, and the revival of a taste for that branch of musical part-writing which is so peculiarly our own. Its members may look back but a few years on the neglect and almost extinction of all interest in their favourite school of vocal harmony ; but the age of its decadenza is past, and they must feel a just pride in witnessing the rapid and extraordinary turn in the public favour which accompanies its rejuveniscence : to them belongs the merit of having kept the flame alive when it was flickering to ex- tinction. The selection of Thursday was, as usual, excellent. Several of the pieces were repeated; and in each case their performance improved on repetition, particularly BENNET'S charming madrigal, " Thyrsis, sleepest thou."