18 JANUARY 1845, Page 11



The usual upward tendency of the Public Securities received a check on Mon day on the appearance of President Tyler's message about Mexico and the an- nexation of 1 exas: but the effect produced was not more than a decline of per cent in the price of Consols for Account; a reaction which might have arisen simply from the demand for money. The period fixed by the Bank for repay-. ment of the loans made during the shutting of the Bank-books expires today, and a great anticipatory demand for money occurred on Wednesday and yester- day ; interest at the rate of 5 per cent having in many instances been paid for loans upon the security of English Stocks Great relief was, however, afforded to the market by the promulgation of the notice from the Bank Directors, which virtually extends the period for repayment of these loans till the 11th April next. The immediate effect of this notice was to produce an improvement in the market; and Consols for Money, which had been at 991, rose yesterday afternoon to 1004. The price today has fluctuated between 100 and 1004; the last quotation for Money being 100 4, and for Account 100. Another cause for the depres- sion of yesterday was the reported death of the Emperor of Russia. During the pressure for money, Bank Stock-declined to 2106; but is today 2116. Exchequer Bills have been depreesed, and continuo so; being quoted today at 58 premium.

The settlement of the Causal Account took place today: it was anticipated that there would have been a considerable demand for money; but, in consequence of the Bank notice above referred to, money has been very abundant.

The business of the Foreign Market has been of a more extensive character than usual. The Northern European Stocks are flatter, in consequence of the decline in Consols; but we cannot notice any large transactions in them. The reported death of the Emperor Nicholas has not produced any effect upon the value of Russian Stock, which has for some time been quoted at 110 to 120. A single bargain occurred yesterday, at 1196. Portuguese Securities have declined about 1 per cent, principally by reason of the continued sales made on Dutch so- count, and the decline of the price at Ameterdam. The financial statement of the Spanish Government has tailed in producing the anticipated effect. Sarno large purchases were made in Active Stock, which consequently rose nearly 2 per cent while the Three per Cents remained stationary. When the plan becomes known, however, the Three per Cents will improve, and the Active decline; the difference in price between the two being now more than 11 per cent, without taking into consideration the dividend of 16 per cent just received upon the Three per Cents, which would carry the difference to between 12 and 13 per cent. No material change has occurred in Mexican Bends; President Tyler's message not having affected them in any degree. The South American lands are gene- rally without any remarkable variation. 1 he transactions of the Railway Share Market have been of a very important character. The second determination of the Board of Trade with respect to the newly-contemplated undertakings has materially altered the value not only of the enterprises themselves that were comprehended in the determination, but of many of the older lines, which are indirectly affected by the promotion or extino- eon of the new ones. Thus, Great Western, Southampton, and Croydon, hem risen; the turner very considerably, for today we observe an advance of 5L a share. Southampton New Shares have risen to 11/, premium, being an advance of about 81. per share, in consequence of the favourable recommendation of the scheme of the elungerford terminus. Midland Stock has also advanced very materially, having been quoted at 130, and being today at 128. This improve- ment is entirely the result of the successful working of the line, the traffic urn which has so greatly increased as to enable the Directors to make a dividend of 3 per cent upon the half-year just ended. While the Railway Shares are im- proving, Canal Stock is declining, in consequence of the success of the Railways; and there is an indisposition to purchase Canal Shares unless at lower prices than were current at the beginning of the year.


The English Funds are firmer; Consols having been done at 1006, are at 1004. The business of the market has been almost enthely confined to Railway Shares. South-eastern and Dover Shares have risen nearly 61, the present citrate- _Lion being 47 to 48. Eastern Counties have improved about 21. The of Trade have hitherto decided in favour of eluding companies, and spe- culation is now directed to " extension lines." The transactions of the morn- ing have been confined to the following: Birmingham and Gloucester, 106 Bristol and Exeter, 77; Bristol and Gkeicester, -43-4; Caledenian, 4; Eastern Counties, 184 196; Edinburgh and Gltagow, 626; Giant North of England, 1s50148; Great Western, 175 4; Ditto, Iialf xharee, 102 1; Birmingham, 231; Blackwell, 76 ; Brighton, 516; South-western, 80 79; Midland, 12930; Dety and Birmingham, 97; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 68; North British, 106 4; South-eastern and Dover, 46 8; York and North Midland, 1074; Vitt% Half-shares, 34; York Direct, 3/ 46 31; Chuniet Valley,; Sbewebury rara Dudley, 3; Cambridge and Lincoln, 44 5; Midland, 401. Shares, 86 9; Rugby, 2 14; Newcastle and Berwick, 10; New Southampton, 21 paid, 12 lfitouiDo.e;e No. 2, 166; Orleans and Bourdeaux, h; Paris and Stritelnirg, 21; and Amiens, 444; Great Northern of France, 6. SISTEMI'', Two o'caaol.

These is no change of importance in either the English -or Foreign Funk, which all close Dearly at the morning'a quotation. The business in hallway Shares, still affected by the Gazette anuouncemente from the Board of Trade, has been eeteoeive and important. The Eastern after mime gemeetion, were last marked at 194; Cambridge an' Lincoln Tinive been as high as 54, but close at 14 ; Croydon are heavy ett e Caledonian, 5 43; Chester and Holyhead, 63; Eastern Counties, 185 194; Great Western, 175 8 6; Hull and Selby, 70; Lancaster and Carlisle, 24; Green- wich, 11; Croydon, 16; Manchester and Leeds, 129 75; Norwich and Brandon, 145 i 14 ; South-eastern and Dover, 46 8 63 7 65; Cambridge and Lincoln, 421 55 45 41; Richmond, 35 3; Rugby, 2 13 25 3 per Cent consols ...• ..• 1001 4 Columbian ex Venezuela... 141 4

Ditto for Account 1001 it Danish 3 per Cents 89 90

2 per cent Reduced 1001 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 031 1 34 per Cents 1044 1 Ditto 5 per Cents 984 91 Long Annuities 12 1-16 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 974 84 Bank Stock 211 Mexican 5 per Cents 344 4

Exchequer Bills prem. 58 60 Ditto Deferred 151 4 India Stock 288 90 Portuguese New 5 p. Cis. 1841 59 GO Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 90 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20

Belgian 41 per Cents 1011 21 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 271 i ChRian 6 per Cents 100 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 354 1 BABE OF E.vorAND.—An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 82, for the week ending on Saturday the llth day of January 1845.


428,163,130 Government Debt 411,013,100 Other Securitie‘ 2,984,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 12,543,092 Silver Bullion 1,620,038 428,163,130


Proprietors' Capital 414,553,000 Rest 3,194,623 Public Deposits, (including Exchequer, Savings Baas,

Commissioners of Natonal Debt, and Dividend Ac-

counts) 4,128,966 Other Deposits 8,877,903 • Seven Day and other Bills 1,019,528 Government Securities, (in- cluding Dead Weight An- nuity) 414,386,839 Other Securities 9,001,544 Notes 7,772,930 Gold and Silver Coin 612,709 431,774,022 431,774,022

Dated the 16th day of Januar 1845. 24. MASSIZALL, Chief Cashier.

Rotes Issued 428,163,130