18 JANUARY 1845, Page 19


WAR-Ormar, Yam PL—M Regt. of Life Guards—Vet. Surg. J. Wilkinson, front ITth Light Drags. to be Vet. Surg. vice J. Home, who retires noon half-pay. 12th Light Drags.—Capt. 31. Clerk, from 19th Foot, to be Capt. vice Forester, who exchanges. 17th Light Drags—E. R. Dodweil, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Blathwayt, appointed to the 261 Foot. 22d, Foot—Gent. Cadet S. V. T. Caultleld, from the Royal Military Collage, to be L'nsige, without purchase, vice Weld. deceased. 23d Foot- Lieut. F. A. D. Roebuck, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Campbell, who retires; See. Lieut. G. Philipps. to be First Lieut. by porch. vice Roebuck ; Cornet J. F. Blatt!. waYt• from 17th Light Drags, to be See. Lieut. by purchase, vice Philipps. 48th Foot— Ensign A. A. Chapman, to be Lieutenant by purchase vice Fullerton, who retires.; C. Sykes, Gentleman, to be. Ensign, by purshase, vice Chapman. 16th Foot—Lieut. P. Bolton, front 3.1 West India Begt. to be Lieut. vice Kirk, appointed Paymaster. 1958 Foot—Capt. the Hon. C. R. W. Forester, from 12th Light. Drags. to be Capt. vice Clerk, who exchanges. 50th Foot—Lieut. J. J. Enoch, to be Capt without purchase. vice James, dec.; Ensign J. C. Bishop, to. be Lieut. without porch. vice Enoch; Gent, Cadet H. Bangle, from theaoyel Milt Cal. to be Ensign, without purchalleoice Bishop. 64th Foot—Ensign I. T. Twining, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Horrocks, who retires ; J. A. Reed, Gentlemen, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Twining. 68th Foot—Lieut. W. H. H. Carmichael to be Adit. vice Cross, who resigns the Adju- tancy only. 75th Foot—Capt. P. Delancey to be Major, by purchase, vice Hall, who ratinett. Lieut. G. T. George, to be CatiL by purchase, vice Delancey; Ensign H. Net- thorpo to be Lieut, by purchase, vice George; J. G. Fox, Gent, to be Ensign, by pm, chase, van Neithorpe. 89th Foot—Ensign D. D. Muter to be Lieut. by purchase, vice MAW; who retires; B. D. Moore, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Muter. ssd Foot—Ensign W. .1E. Moncrleffe to be Lieut by purchase, vice Nicoll, who- retires ; It.' Bethune, Gent, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Moncrleffe. 98th Foot—Lieut. E. Flay. thonte to be Capt without purchase, vice Gordon, deceased ; Ensign M. Batt to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Haythome; Gent. Cadet W. C. Rose, from the Royal MIL Coll, to be Ensign, vice Batt.

1st West India, Regt.—G. Phelan, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Rose, who resigns. Hospital Stan.—Surg. A. Shanks, M.D. from the 55th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of the First' Clam, vice. Monis, promoted ; Surg. J. M. WDonald, from the 1st West India Bait to he Sta&-Surg. of the Sec.-Class, vice Ferguson, who retires upon half-pay.

Commissariat—Deputy Commissary-Gen. T. Carey to be a Commissary-Oen. ' • Assist. Commissary-Gen. W. It. Eppes, and Amidst:Commissary-Gen. H. Bower*, to be De- puty Commissaries-Gen. To be Assist-Commissaries-Cen.—Deputy-Assist-Commis- saries-Gen. J. W. Wybault, R. Inglis, J. W. Smith, J. De Smidt, T. J. Lempriere, and J. J. Smith. To be Deputy-AssisL-Commissaries-Gen.—Commissariat-Clerks, A. Sal- wey,. J. T Camper, S. II. Price, I. C. it. Wood, J. B. Lundy, R. Raker, W. Hewetomx, C. II. Shen, W. R. Cooper, H. J. Macaulay, H. Connell, and W. J. T. Power. The conunissionsof the above-awned officers to bear date the 24th Dee. 1844. Atunevanclum---Tha Christian names of Sec.-1Aent. Dawkins, appointed to Me 60011 Foot, are Clinton Francis Berens, and not Retires, as previously stated.