18 JANUARY 1851, Page 18

• MILITARY GAZETTE. Wia-onnex, Jan. 17.-1st .Regt. of Life Giants—Charles

J. Viscount Ingenre, to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by pur. vice Levett, promoted. lst Diag,. Guarde- Lieut.-gen. Charles bl-..Eari Cathcart. If-C.B. Trent the 3d Drag. Guards. to he.cot, vice Gen. the Hon. Sir W.-Lumley, G.C.B. dew; J. Hancocke, Gent, to be cornet, by purchase, vice Evered, appointed to the 54th Foot; R. J. C. Marter, Gent. to be Cornet, by pur. vice Peareth, promoted. 3d Drag. Guards—MajorsGen. J. C. Sour- chier, K.C. -to be Col. Nice Lieut.-Gen. Earl Cathcart,K.¢.$.-,appointed to the 1st. Drag. Guards. 6th Drag. Guards—J. Leslie, Gent. to be Cornet, by pur. vice Pinck- ney, promoted. 7th Drag. Guards—Lieut.. Middleten to he .Adjt. vice Gray, who Imagine the Adjtcy, only. 3d Light-Onsgs.—Xl. Dymon4,,Gent. to be Cornet, by pur. vice White, promoted. 12th Light Drags.—fieut. C. k .,Inller. from the 14th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Grogan, who exchanges ; V. D. H. C. Elwes, Gent. to be Cor- net, by purchase, vice Lennox, promoted. 13th Light Drags.—H. Montgomery. Gent. to be Cornet, .by :pun trice Smith, promoted. 14th Light Drags.—F. Coates, Gent- to be Cornet, by- pur..viee Mansel, appointed to the 3d Light. Drags. 16th Light Drags.-711. A. Sleenian,-Gani, to be Cornet, by pur. vice Sarteris,.promotel. 1st or Grenadier Guards-Capt.-L.. Brown, from_ half. pay, 4th Ceylon 'Ugh to be Lieut. and Capt. vice Trelawny, dec.; Ensign the Hon. A. F. Egerton to be Lieut. and Capt. by per. vice Brown, who retires ; C. Brandling, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. by pur, vise Thesiger, prom. .1st Foot—Brevet Major It-Going, lobe Major, by pur. vice Raymond, prom. ; Lieut. A. Anderson, to be Capt. by pur. vice Going ; Ensign H. H. Barber to be Lieut. by pun vise Andersoe; R. G. Brady, Gent. to -be Ensign, by pur. vice Barber. t4th-toot—J. Templeman, Gent. to be Secend-Lieut., by mu. vice Madden, appointed to tke 70th Foot. 7th Feet—Capt. W. If. Carter, from 21st Foot, to be (;apt: ince the Bon. J. L. Browne, who exchanges. 13th Foot W. H. Shafto, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Peel, promoted. 14th Foot—Lieut. C. D.Grogarr, from the-12th:Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Fuller, who exchanges. 15th,Fnot—Ensign W.R, whompson, to he Lieut., by pur. vise, Gerality, who.retwes. 17th Foot—C. R. Moore, Gent. to be. Ensign by pur. vice Stapyltou, appointed to the 2d Drag. Guards.. hat FOOt—Capt. the Hon, J. L. STOWEle, from the 7th Foot, to be Capt. vice Carter, who exchanges; Second-Lieut. J. F. T. Shadwell to be First Lieut.-without pur. vice Clemison, dec.; (lent. Cadet.C. D. C. Ellis, from the Royal Mil. Coll. tobe-Seeond-Lieut. vice Shadwell. 36th Foot—Assist:Staff Sul-g. Bone,:lif.D. to be Assist.-Sutg. vice Sinith, who exchanges, 40th Foot,--T.; B. Gardyne, Gent.. to be Ensign;y.pur. nee Atherley, promoted. 41st Foot-rA.. aY- lor,,Gent. to be Eniti„,,srliy pur. vice Richards, prom. 44th Foot—G. J. White, Omit, to bh Ensign, bfpur. nee Tiryford, Appointed to 93th Foot. 46thloot—C:W,Etrat- . ton, Gent. to he Ensign, by. pur. Nice Welridge, promoted. 47th Foot—I. J: C. Irby, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Roberts, promoted. 48th Foot H. Tower, Geist. to be Ensi,gn, by pur. vice Welby, promoted. 54th Foot—Ensign A.Hunt, lobe Lieut. without pun vice Neville, promoted; Ensign W. 11..D.Clarke, to be Lieut. by pur. Ni.c. Pane, promoted; N. Goddard, Gent. tobe Ensiga, by pur.vlce Clarke. 70th Foot—

sign E. D'Heillimer. Fairtloug,h to be Lieut. without pur. vice J. C. O'Brien, ele_c, . •

sago A. Saltmarshe to be Lieut. by, t pu vice Fairtlough, whose promotion has been cancelled ; S. J. Lyle, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Saltmarshe, promoted. 71st FootE, Mirebouse, Gent. to be Ensign, by .pur. vice Brown, promoted. 72d FootLietit. D. Robinson to be Capt., without pur. vice Frith, den.; Ensign C. F. Hunter to he Lieut. vice Robinson; Ensign. R. Whighatu to be Lieut. by pur. ace-. G. S. Mackenzie, who retires ; Ensign, C. C. W. Vesey, from 81st Foot, to bEnsign,vice Hunter; G. Smith, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur-vice Whigham. 75/h kootT. Carlisle, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Hardy, Promoted. 76th Foot--H. Robinson, Gent. to be Entiign, by pur. vice Wardlaw, promoted in 6thDrag. Guards. 77th Foot—Ensign W. H. Weston to be Lieut. by our. and Adjt-vice Willis, pro- moted: J. Murray, Gent, to be Ensign,.by_par. vice Weston. 81st Foot-Ill. A. Chichester, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Anderson, appointed_to the, 37th Foot; Oentleman CadetItiehau/Granville Charlton, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensigri, without purchase, vice Vesey, appointed to the 72d Foot. Mat F'oot—Ensign J. Atkinson to be Lieut. without pur. vice Cuppage, appointed' Adjt.; Ensign E. Morrie, from the 97th Foot, to be Enaige, vice Atkmson; Lieut. J. M. Cuppage to be Adjt, vice Hawley, promoted; Lieut. E-J. Head .M be Pay- roaster, vice L. L. E. White, who retires on Jialf pay. 99th Foot—J. C. Rattrap Gent- to be Ensign, by pur. augliton, promoted. 93d Foot—Gent. Cadet E.. 8. Williams, from the Royal Mil. eat. to be Ensign, without pur. vice Bannatyne, promoted. 3d Westindia RegL---Capt. V. Webb, from half pay that. to be Capt. vice G. W. M. Lovett, who exchanges Lieut. 11, Crofton to be'Capt. by -pur. vice Webb, who retiree; Ensign J..D. Thomsen„-to be.Lient. bypur. vice. Crofton; W. H. W:Maw- tayne, Gent. by pur. vice J. D. Thomson. Hospital Staff—Assist.-Sorg. F. Smith, from the 36th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Bone, who exchanges.

Unattached—Major-H. P. Raymond, from the 1st Foot, to be Lieut-Col. by put ; Lieut. J. H. Grant, from the 2d. Foot, to be Capt. without pur. Breech—Major L. Brown, of the In or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards, to_ be Lieut.-Col.-in the Army ; Capt..f, Brown, of the let or Grenadier Ilegt. of Foot. Guards, to be Major in the Army ; Capt. V. Webb, of the Id West India Begt. to be Major in the Army.

Commissariat—Assistant Commintssanes-General to be Deputy Corrunissaries-Ge- neral—E. A. F. Cowan, .F. Bowman. Deputy Assistant CornmissariesGeeeral to be Deputy: Commissaries-General—W. S. Archer, J. 8. Davenport, J. A. Erskine, H. Clarke. Commiseariat Clerks to be Assistant Commisnwies.General—T.-E.Moore, L. -W. Blacker,. G. 13..:Beanett; F. G. Swan, G. A. :Datigari, G. S. Dwight, F. P.. Woollcombe...