18 JANUARY 1851, Page 18

TT;i Banta. i M] 0 Pa the 9th January, at

Chicksands Priory, Lady .Elizabeth Otsboin, of a daughter. On the 10th, at EatoriSquam, tile' Wife of Edward Divett,'Esq, M.P., of aseros,,: ()tithe 11th, at Elthate, the Wife of Henry Lewin. Esq., of a daughter.; On the 12th, at Portland Place, Madame van de Weyer, of a.claughter.1`..t" Op the 12th, at Cavendish Square, the Wife of Edward' arjoribanksliM.4iq.,

of a daughter. "" ' Ou the-12th, at Morden Lodge, Surrey, the Wife of Henry James Ileamark, * daughter. On the 12th, at Northcburch Rectory, Herts, the Wife of the Re7. Sir jolin`Hobart Calms Seymour, Bart, of a daughter.


On the 6th January, at North Walshain. the Rev. Thomas Dry, Head 1414.4 Of the Grammar School, North Waltham, to Susanna, third daughter of .1•04,4iErla.

tiee, Esq., of the same place. _

On the 7th, at Derby, the Rev. E. IL Jones, Fellow of Brasenuse C

ford, and Rector of Limehouse, to Mary, eldest surviving daughter of Henry Worthington. Esq.,-of Derby. On the 7th, at Everdon, No#hamptonahire, the Rev. W. T. Browning,. E.A.,

eldest eon of W. S. Browning, Esq., oftheithReld Bars, and Langley. Bucks, to Mary

Eleanor, only daughter of the Bev: G. R. Green, M.A.; Rector of Everdon..

On the 9th, at St. John's, Guernsey, Herbert 'Toyler kl•Crea,: Hot., 'Ninety-fourth Regiment, son of the late klajor.ltobert,WCrea, to Elizabeth Dobree, only daughter of the late John Carey. Ent:, of Castle Carey, Guernsey,

On the 14th, at the District ,Church. of all. Souls, St. Marylehone, the Rev. Henry C, Stubbs, Clerical Principal of the 'Training Institution, Worringtoo, to -Ellen. Eliza, youngest daughter of the late William Collard, Esq., of the Bank of England. On thel4th,-at.theDistrictCharch of St. Johiea, CambridgeSquare, Walter•Boyd, Esq., late Captain in the Royal Irish Fusiliers, eldest sprint Robert Boyd, ofRlaistow Lodge, Bromley. Kent, Esq., toDella, second.daughter of John Robert Pities, Esq., of Ryde, Isle of Wight. On the 14th, the Rev. Robert S. Sattisaarnbe, Vicar. of Barkway, Herts.:to Lydia Edosonstone, daughter-of the late,lohtasinssclen, Esq., of Cushnie,Alierdeen- shire, and of the East India Company's Civil Service. On the-15th, at the French Catholic Chapel and- St. Marjiebone Parish Church, Mrs. Dormer, to Colonel .de Lars.: DEATHS. - On the .10th January, at Hanipidead, Robert Wray, Esq., one of the Benehers'of

the Middle Temple ; in his 73.1 year. . • On the 11th, at Clarence .Cresee.nt, Windsor, Lady Jarvis; in her 84th year. -

On the nth, at her house Newington Place Kennington, Jane, relict of thelate Edmund Bick, Esq., formerly of BIRnsionhouse Street ; in her 91st year. On the 13th, at Great Ormond Street, John Turner, Esq. ;-in US 89th year. • On the 14th, at Clifton, the Rev. Lord William Somerset, son of thetlftli Ake of Beaufort, Canon of Bristol Cathedral, and Rector of Tormarton, Glouciestershire ; in his 67th year. •

On the 14th, at Soughton House, Flint:Shire, -the Rev. R. Howard, D.D., Cane* of Bangor, and Vicar- of Llanrhairdr, Denbighshire; in his 74th year.

Oa the 14th, at Ball's Park, Hertford, Isabella Hawkey, of Grosvenor Sqimie, Widow of the late John Peter Hankey, Esq. ; in her 83d year.