18 JANUARY 1868, Page 21

Smollett : his Life, and a Selection from his Writings.

By Robert Chambers, LL.D. (W. and R. Chambers.)—This is rather a study than a life, but it is a pleasing study. The thread of biographical story is broken by the insertion of quasi-autobiographical passages from Smollett's own novels, which add to the interest of the book, but are apt to confuse the reader. At one time we are firmly convinced that Strap was a real person, and actually travelled to London with Smollett ; at another we think that Strap and the journey were real, but that Smollett changed his name for the time to Random. Of course tho intelligent reader soon gets over this error, but Mr. Robert Chambers writes for a larger circle, and we are afraid some will never be undeceived. Even with this drawback, however, the book is worthy of general attention.