18 JANUARY 1873, Page 3

Mr. Goschen has republished in a conv6nient volume his report

on the subject of local taxation, which he made to the Lords of the Treasury when President of the Poor Law Board, with other documents of the same kind, and his speeches in the House of Commons during 1871 on the subject of Local Taxa- tion and Local Government Reform,—no doubt as a contri- bution towards the discussion of the County Finance Bill of the coming session. Mr. Groschen states that he has omitted certain "detailed statements " of which he has now published only the summaries, but there is one detailed statement of which he has now published no summary, and as the literary class have good reason to be jealous for the recognition of the very great services they often perform for politicians without due acknowledg- ment, we venture to recall it to his memory. It was this : "I have pleasure in expressing myacknowledgments of the valuable assist- ance which Mr. Robert Galen has rendered me in the collection of historical materials, and in the compilation of the various Tables contained in Appendix A and C." Mr. Goachen says in his new preface, "I have tabulated every item of trustworthy information which a vigorous research has enabled me to discover." Is it not reasonable to suppose that the indefinite article before "vigorous research" included Mr. Giffen's la hours at -least as much as his own, and would it not have been more just to repeat in a book which will come into the hands of at least four readers for every reader of the Blue-book, the just acknowledgment there recorded?