18 JANUARY 1902, Page 14



SIR,—The notice by "H. S." of the Colonna Raphael in the Spectator of January 11th omits all mention of the interest- ing little fact connected with it,—that the nuns of Sant' Antonio insisted on the child being clothed; a solitary example, it is said, of such treatment with a Holy Family. I may add that I have for long had in my possession a small but fine old copy of the picture, procured for us by M. Ludwig Gruner, formerly of the Dresden Gallery. This copy was borrowed more than thirty years since by Sir William Boxall, who was then Director of the National Gallery, in order to compare it with the picture now at Burlington House, and assist in verifying the latter as the work known to have been painted by Raphael for the nuns of Perugia. There was some question at the time of securing the picture for the nation, Sir William being greatly in favour of the purchase. I do not now remember for what reason his

opinion was overruled.—I am, Sir, 8tc., E. V. B.