18 JANUARY 1919, Page 16


[To THE Enema or THE " SPECTATOR "1 Sir.,—A correspondent asks where the out song of " Scenes at a Country Fair" may be found. In age I ant tho wrong side of eighty, and my memory is sometimes gond and sometimes bad. My dear old friend, the late Canon Ainger, when is very young man used to sing that song, and sing it well, being an extra- ordinarily good actor and mimic. My impression is that the *emu was part of an "Entertainment!" given by Charles Mathews (father of the Charles Mathews the celebrated comedian), and that after singing the verse quoted by tour correspondent, the roll would go on describing the Fair :—

• All of its going to the Fair in a cart—ten of its at twopence apiece. 'Pommy, wake up! How much? "—" Three and six- petwe halfpenny, father."—" That boy's always right—he's always right."—" A poor widely woman with is large family and is small voice. 'Home, sweet home!' "—" Walk in and see the Giant WItich is nine feet igh."—" I say, Bill. that's a He-

witt-. the caravan ain't nine feet Why, John, the gentleman wouldn't say be was time fret igh if he .wasn't, ROOM he. stupid? 1 guess he lies all along."—" Lies all along, *Imes he ? I reckon he's not the only one who lies all along in that 'ere caravan."

And so on, and fp on, my for a quarter of an hour, and ending ith the same lines which your correspondent quotes.—I am,