18 JANUARY 1919, Page 20
READABLE NOTELS. —The Grim Thirteen. Stories by Thirteen Authors, including
Stacy Aumonier and Mrs. Moe Lowndes. (Hurst and Blackett. ea ed.)—A collection of thirteen gloomy little stories, the editor of the volume pluming himself on the fact that they all end badly. Mrs. Belloc Lowndes's contribu- tion concerning a village in Champagne is almost too terrible for the average reader to be able to beer.—Gaslight Sonatas.
• The Spimurs. 87 kata Pailliirms Loudon : W. Heinerman. Les. OW.1 .
By Fanny Murat. (Hodder and Stoughton. es.)—Clever abort stories in which the American language is so developed that they are quite difficult reading for the average Englishman.