18 JANUARY 1919, Page 21

The " Clean-Fighting" . Turk : Yesterday, To-day, and To-

morrow. (Spottiswoode, Ballantyne, and Co. 3d. net.)—This pamphlet, with an Introduction by Sir H. H. Johnston, illustrates the maxim that the Turk as r. ruler is incapable of reform. It contains an article from the Foreign Quarterly Review of 1828, the conclusion of which is that it is " morally impossible to reform the Turks " ; a letter written from Constantinople in 1854 to 1.)11111 Victoria by the Duke of Cambridge, who thought that the " sick man" was " excessively sick, indeed dying as fast as possible " ; and articles of recent date on the Turk's spurious claim to be a " clean tighter," and on his abominable cruelty to our prisoners, especially the garrison of Kut. The third section, "To-morrow," contains the single word " Unchanged." It will indeed be deplorable if, after all our experience of the Turk, we allow him to retain control over Constantinople or to rule any non-Turkish peoples.