18 JANUARY 1919, Page 22

A History of the Sikhs. By J. D. Cunningham. Edited

by H. L. 0. Garrett. (H. Milford. 8s. 6d. net.)--Cunningham's well-known hook on the Sikhs, first published in 1849, has been admirably edited by Professor Garrett of Lahore. The author, who was a eon of Allan Cunningham, poet and biographer, served in the Indian Political Department, and was in close touch with the Sikhs from 1838 to the close of the first Sikh War in 1846. His partiality for the Sikhs cost him his official position, but lends an additional interest to his book, although his gloomy forebodings of the fate of our rule in India

have proved unfounded.

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