18 JANUARY 1919, Page 22

WORKS OF REFERENCE. — The People's Year Book, 1919 (Co-operative Wholesale Society,

Is. 6d. net) is the second yearly issue of the Co-operative handbook in its new form which is very much more readable and useful than the old dryas-


dust volume of statistics. Mr. Clynes contributes an instruct- ive article on "National Food Questions." Other authorities deal with redone national and industrial problems. A full account is given of the attempt to establish a political Co- operative Party. Nine or ten candidates were put forward at the General Election ; one was elected for Kettering. The total Co-operative vote was 57,676. The total membership of British Co-operative Societies in 1917 was 3,758,248. It does not look as if Co-operators desired to engage in politics.— The useful List of English Clubs for 1919, edited by Mr. Austen Leigh (Spottiawoode, Ballantyne, and Co.), centains particulars of over four thousand clubs in all parts of the world. We observe that the editor gives the English clubs in Russia, as usual, though they have probably been Bolshevized long ago. The so-called English Club of Petrograd, dating from 1770, exeit,1 the special detestation of the Terrorists.