18 JANUARY 1935, Page 17

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am grateful to

Sir Arthur Hort for pointing out a possible mis-reading of one sentence of my letter in your issue of January 4th. It was of a national flag, and not of a League flag, that I wrote : " As a simple visible sign ,of a complex mystic State, it helps to focus, and so to quicken, patriotism."

My letter went on : " The League of Nations is harder to visualize and more of a mystery than any of its constituent countries. Its need for a flag is correspondingly greater than theirs, if emotional enthusiasm for the idea of a workl commonwealth of nations is as necessary as " is patriotism.

I hope that on re-reading these words Sir Arthur Hort will see that he and I are agreed in regarding a world-wide League of Nations as something quite different from a World State, whether unitary or federaL—Yours, 15 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I.