18 JANUARY 1975, Page 13

No respite Jack de Manio put me on his early

morning programme which caused the Post Office to ask me whether I would like them to intercept all calls for my number. Alas, my wife got so incensed because her girlfriends could not get through and the Post Office told me that they had had very few wrong calls so I reluctantly told them to drop the interception service. Now the Ministry is at it again right round the clock and when I tell them that they have got the wrong number they reply: "Well, that is the number we have been given." It would be perfectly simple for the Ministry of Defence to send round another circular putting the matter right. As it is I shall continue to tease them until they do. Lord Carrington, when he was the Minister of Defence, came to dine with me but, alas, he did nothing about it except to dine out on my stories.