18 JULY 1829, Page 1


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING, HALF-PAST TEN: We have had considerable business this week in our Stock Market, and a rise in prices, which, although not fully maintained, are yet better than those of last week. Considerable speculations have been entered into by both parties, and these, as they occurred, occasioned repeated fluctuations. The Bull, or buying party, argue and rely on the now superabundant supply of money, the prospect of an accommodation in the East, and of an abundant harvest, if the weather, which has as yet done no great injury, would but clear up. The Bear, or se117 ing party, on the contrary, look to the chapter of accidents, and contend that the slightest political derangement would cause a fall in prices, in spite of the abundance of money. They say also, that a peace in the East is as remote as ever, and that the rumours of accommodation and the professions of modera- tion which have been lately circulated by the friends of Missile are mere exam: pies of political dissimulation. They derive great comfort, moreover, from the rise of the corn-market ; yesterday and every successive shower adds to their hopes, while it literally damps those of their opponents. For our own part, in so far as the harvest is concerned, we heartily wish success to the Bulls, whose interest and wishes are for the public prosperity. Money is, as we have already said, superabundant : in proof of which may be adduced the price of Exchequer Bills, which have been done at 75s. and are now but a trifle lower. The highest price of the week for Consols was on Thursday, 89a (including the dividend); the lowest 89f. The present 894- to ; and for the August account, 891 to k. The heavy Stocks have been higher, but are now at about last Saturday's quotations.

In the Foreign Market, Russian Bonds have touched 100, and are now about 991. It is useless for us to say any thing more of this Stock, which gives the lie to all our predictions. In fact it is the miracle of our market. Danish also (a 3 per Cent. Stock) was done yesterday at 691, and is the next absur- dity. Brazilian sticks at 571. Very little business is done in it, and by the public none. All the other South American Stocks are 1 per cent. lower : and Spanish has been done at 8f, but the last price was 9. There has been a defaulter in the Share Market, who had speculated largely in the Brazilian Mining Shares. Those shares have been done so low as 62, but have since risen to 67. There is nothing else worthy of notice. The French Funds have not moved materially this week.

IIALF-PAST TWELVE.-The Market is flat Consols for Account, 89k to : nothing doing in the foreign house. BRITisIl FUNDS.

Bank Stock, div.Sper Cent. 8 per Cent. Reduced. 88} 3 per Cent. Consols, 873 ex. div. 3a per Cent. 1818, 98

$' per Cent. Reduced, 98 97Z New 4 per Cents. 1622, 1O2y e a ex. thy. 4 per Cents. 1826,

Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 19Z 1:1.16 India Stock, div.lOk per Cent. 226 South Sea Stock, div. 3i per Cent. India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until Ilford', 1829, thereafter3 per Cent.) 07 Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per cent.

per diem,) 71.

Consols for Account 884


Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 571

Buenos Ayres 6, per Cent. 221 eai

Chiller], 6 per Cent. 17 IS Colombian, 16 16i Ditto, 1624, 6 per Cent.

Danish,:1 per Cent. 69

French 5 per Cents. Ditto 3 per Cents. Greek a per Cent. 14 la

Mexican 6 per Cent 192 204

Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 42 421 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. Prussian, Russian, 99

Spanish, 9 9.1


Anglo-Mexican, 321. 341.

Brazilian, Imperial, 661. 681.

Real del Monte, 651. 93/.

liulanos, 31111. 3201. Colombian, 8/. Ins. 91. Ins. United Mexican, 131. 10s. 141. 10S.