18 JULY 1840, Page 8



We have received newspapers this morning front New York, Mora treal, Toronto, Niagara, the Cape of Good Hope, Sydney, and Port Philip ; but, with the exception of those from the Cape, all of rather old dates, and supplying no intelligence of interest which had not pre- viously reached us. The Cape papers are to the 2d of May ; and eon. tam n a deplorable account of the sanatory condition of Cape Town, Smallpox and typhus fever were spreading rapidly. The Governor had issued a proclamation dividing the town into wards for the inspec. tion of a "medical police." A public meeting of the inhabitants had been held to promote the endeavours of the Government. Cape Town was represented as in a most filthy state, and requiring a thorough cleansing. The intelligence from the frontier was of a pacific character.