18 JULY 1846, Page 13



Some speculative sales, made in anticipation of the effect to be produced by the absorption of capital for Railway purposes consequent upon the successful pro- gress of the many bills now passing through Parliament, have altered the ap- pearance of the market, and the prices of the English Funds have experienced slight decline; Consols for Money having been at one period today per cent be- low the highest recent quotation. The market has since become firmer, and the closing prices are within t per cent of the highest. The settlement of the Con- sol Account occurred today: the transactions have not been extensive, and the whole were arranged without occasioning any material alteration in the market. Considerable interest is excited in Mincing Lane by the expected alteration in the Sugar-duties. Some extensive purchases in Foreign slave-grown sugar have re- cently occurred. Notwithstanding the recent issue of money consequent upon the payment of the Dividends, the rate of discount continues unaltered, and may be quoted at 34 per cent for first-class bills. No material change has occurred in the prices of the Foreign Bonds. There seems to be a general tendency among the public for small investments; but without much alteration, except in the case of Brazilian and Old Portuguese Bonds, which are about 2 per cent above the prices of last week. The conversion of the Mexican Active and Deferred Bonds, in accordance with the new arrange- ment, is proceeding steadily. The only stock now quoted in the Official List is that of the Mexican Five per Cents, 1846.

There is no particular feature in the Share Market. Among the superior class of shares we may notice that the general tendency appears to be upward; Bir- mingham having advanced between 21. and 31. per share, and some of the others in a less degree. The Scrip are generally without any improvement, and with few exceptions continue depressed. The French and Foreign Shares are lower, though from the little business doing in them the decline passes unobserved.

SATURDAY, Twra.vit o'CLocz•

The English Funds are rather lower than yesterday, without the occurrence of any transactions of moment; the attention of both jobbers and brokers being al- most entirely devoteu to the payment and receipt of the differences arising out of the Consol Account. The only change in the Foreign Market is one for the worse in Portuguese Stock; which is quoted about 1 per cent lower, without any bargains having been effected. We can as yet only notice the following transactions in Railway Shares: the complexion of which securities is the same as yesterday, the better class of them being firm, and the Scrip neglected: Eastern Counties, 244; Midland, Stock, 1524; Ditto, New, 40; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, New, 11#; 1 ; Norfolk Extension, 2; South-eastern and Dover, New, (No. 4,) 34; North Staffordshire, Sf premium.


The English Funds close as in the morning. The only change in the Foreign Market is in Portuguese Bonds, which still continue to decline: the Four per Cents have been as low as 44, again quoted at 45, and close nominally at 44 to 46. The Three per Cents were done as high as 47 just before the close of business.

Intelligence has been received this morning from Hamburg, of the failure of an extensive mercantile firm in that city—Messrs. Rink and Co.: their liabilities are stated as little short of 300,0001.; and their insolvency has created a great sen- sation in Hamburg.

There is no material variation in the Share Market, and we can only notice the following bargains: Birmingham and Gloucester, 1304 29; Caledonian, 14; Eastern Counties, 244 4; Ditto, York Extension, 2t; Great Western Half-shares, 854; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 22f, Lancaster and Carlisle, 56 7; Ditto, New, 104; London and Birmingham, 2284; Ditto, Quarters, 314; Ditto, Fifths, 264; Lon- don and Croydon, 234; London and Greenwich, 9t; Midland, 1524; South- eastern and Dover, 45 41 5%; Ditto, New, No. 2, 16 154 16; Ditto, New, No.3, 194; Ditto, New, No. 4, 31 4; York and Scarborough Branch, 50; Boulogne and Amiens, 126 I; Dutch-Rhenish, 7; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 124 4; Louvaiu and Jemeppe, 14 4; Luxembourg, 2; Namur and Liege, 34 4; Panic and Lyons, Constituted, 54 4; Paris and Rouen, 384; Sambre and Meuse,

Columbian ex Venezuela 151 16i 95j 6 Danish 3 per Cents 88 90 95i 6 Dutch 21 per Cents 59I GO

971 6 Ditto 4 per Cents 941 .1

101 7-16 Idesacan 5 per Cents ..1846 26i 71 206 Ditto Deferred 10 14 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 44 6

Ditto 4 per Cents 1545 44 6

84 6 Itossian 5 per Cents , 110 112

96 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 24

95 7 Ditto per Coda 1842 as

31 4.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills prem.

India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents.

Belgian 41 per Cents

Chili= 6 per Cents