18 JULY 1885, Page 23

Voice : Use and Stimulants. By Lennox Browne. (Sampson Low

and Co.)—Mr. Lennox Browne has done for the vocalists what has been done by somebody else for the men of letters,—interrogated them as to their habits about stimulants and tobacco. Out of 380 professional vocalists who replied to the author's questions, 101 are abstainers, a larger proportion certainly than would be found in ordinary society ; 25 answered the question with "rarely," and 41 more with "occasionally." As to tobacco, just half answer the question, "Are you in the habit of smoking tobacco ?" with a plain " yes "; 118 with a plain " no " ; 39 say " occasionally " or "rarely"; and 33 "in great moderation." Some think tobacco actually beneficial to the voice ; but the general opinion even of non-abstainers seems to be that it is a luxury not to be indulged in till the work is done.