18 JULY 1914, Page 18


LTo vu. EDITOR 07 THB "SPEcTAToR."3 Sur.,—To take twenty thousand boys away to camp every year without mishap and with great benefit to the boys is no small achievement, and is worthy of generous support. Such is the record of the Boys' Brigade—the pioneer of the boys' organizations -z7-which from its inception thirty-one years ago has provided nearly half a million such holidays for the boys in its ranks.

The Camps provide an ideal holiday for the boys. To leave the aull surroundings of work in factory and shop for one glorious week by the sea, living a healthy life in the open air, with plenty of good wholesome food, and the touch of adventure suggested by life under canvas—such things recall to boys who have experienced them a multitude of happy memories, and awake in many more who have not done so the eager anticipation of joys to come.

But the Camps are more than a holiday. They form the climax

of the year's training. All through the winter the boys are trained in military and physical drill, and taught habits of discipline, patriotism, and self-respect ; but the best opportunity of all for character building, and of cultivating the grit,, resourcefulness, and manliness of thw boys, is provided by- the week's training under canvas.

The Camps are run with such strict economy as is consistent

with efficiency and the well-being of the boys. Over half of the costeof 16s. is met by the savings of the boys themselves ; but the fall cost is beyond their means, and to supplement their pay- inents a special Camp Fund has been instituted from which grants Are made to the Camps of the London district. £1 used in this way will enable three boys to attend; £10, thirty boys ; while ,3100 will bring this splendid holiday within reach of no fewer than three hundred boys. We shall be grateful if your readers, who doubtless just now are thinking of their own holidays, will 'help as many boys as possible to take advantage of the oppor- tunity which the Camps provide.

Contributions of any amount will be gratefully received by the Hon. Treasurer, the Boys' Brigade, 34 Paternoster Row, E.C. Cheques should be crossed " Union of London and Smiths Bank." We are, Sir, &c., E. R. Fuss:Amu (Admiral).

J. TAYLOR SMITH (Bishop). JOHN M. MOODY (Major-General), Chairman. ALFRED Fowina. BusroN, Hon. Treasurer.