18 JULY 1914, Page 24


[tinder this heading tee notice such Books of the week as have not boon reserved for review in other Jonas.]

2Esop in Politics. By Ian D. Colvin. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Colvin, who is well known as '! I. C."' to readers of the Morning Post for his brilliant and timely

verses, has found small difficulty in adapting the methods of ./Esop to contemporary politics. We shall never know who was the Greek prototype of the fox without a tail, but we can make a pretty good guess at Mr. Colvin's

" darling of the nation Who somehow lost his reputation, And sought to make the loss appear Rather a thing to court than fear."

We wish we had space to quote more from Mr. Colvin's fables, but we must be content with recommending them to all

who care for political satire. He hits hard, but not without justification.