18 JULY 1925, Page 17

LITTLE WOMEN [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The Spectator

is, I know, read increasingly by women. Your women readers will. therefore, I believe, be interested to learn that a movement is on foot to raise a memorial to Louisa Alcoa in this country, authoress of Little Women and Little Women Wedded, and other books that have delighted so many of us as children, and that still delight the present generation.

The English Speaking Union has given the scheme its blessing. A small provisional committee has been formed, and it is hoped sufficient funds will be forthcoming to endow a "Little Women" bed in the ward of some hospital. There are many English women who would be glad to contribute to such a fund did they know of it in gratitude for the acquaint- ance of that lovable American family created by Louisa Alcott. Will any of your readers who are interested commun- icate with Patricia Saxon, The English Speaking Union,

Trafalgar Buildings, Charing Cross, W.C. 2. am, Sir, &c.,