18 JULY 1925, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sm,—The annual appeal which you so kindly allow us to make for the Women's Holiday Fund is this year a very special one. A highly successful branch of our work has been that of a Seaside Home for Mothers and Babies. The lease of our house at St. Leonards-on-Sea is now out, and the house is not in a fit condition for us to wish to renew it. In fact, we find it impossible to procure suitable premises on lease, and if we are to carry on our work efficiently we must buy or build. This means an outlay of some 24,000 or 15,000—a big sum for which to ask I I put our case thus clearly and broadly, hoping that those who are in a position to get fresh air and change of scene at least once a year will think of the overstrained young mothers who without our help cannot get away at all from the dull, grimy streets of poorer London.

Contributions, great or small, will be gratefully acknow- ledged by Mrs. Frank Povrnall, 8 Ashley Place, S.W. 1, or by Miss Cooper, Secretary W.H.F., 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c.,

HELEN A. POWNALL (Chairman Ex-Committee W.H.F.).'