18 JULY 1931, Page 18


In your issue of July 4th, Sir William Beach Thomas speaks of our " unique disregard " of the Hertfordshire Agricultural Show in arranging a special visitation on the same day. Actually there was no disregard " at all : our date was fixed and our chief arrangements made some time before we knew of the Hatfield date ; when we learnt this it was too late for us to change.. Ours was distinctly a " special " day, and looking down the list of our visitors it does not appear that the Hertfordshire Show could have suffered any injury through the clashing of dates : only few were from Hertfordshire, the rest came from more distant places, including the Free State, the large Dominions and the United States : of all these it is improbable that more than one or two would have been at Hatfield. As the Rothamsted experiments become wider in their scope and become more widely known the number of visiting parties increases and it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid overlapping with other arrangements. So far as we are aware of their dates we do, however, try to avoid over- lapping in any competitive_ way with agricultural shows, the educational value of which we fully realize. And' most certainly we should not wish to do anything in the smallest degree hampering to our friends who so ably organize the Hertfordshire Show.—C. J. RUSSELL, Director, Lawes Agri- cultural Trust, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden.